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Subset: Linux

Linux OS technology

URI: Linux

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

Classes in subset

Class Description
ExtInodeFacet "An extInode facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a file system o...


"An extInode facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a file system object (file, directory, etc.) conformant to the extended file system (EXT or related derivations) specification."

Name Cardinality and Range Description
extDeletionTime 0..1
"Specifies the time at which the file represented by an Inode was 'deleted'
extFileType 0..1
"Specifies the EXT file type (FIFO, Directory, Regular file, Symbolic link, e...
extFlags 0..1
"Specifies user flags to further protect (limit its use and modification) the...
extHardLinkCount 0..1
"Specifies a count of how many hard links point to an Inode
extInodeChangeTime 0..1
"The date and time at which the file Inode metadata was last modified
extInodeID 0..1
"Specifies a single Inode identifier
extPermissions 0..1
"Specifies the read/write/execute permissions for the file represented by an ...
extSGID 0..1
"Specifies the group ID for the file represented by an Inode
extSUID 0..1
"Specifies the user ID that 'owns' the file represented by an Inode

Slots in subset

Slot Description
extDeletionTime "Specifies the time at which the file represented by an Inode was 'deleted'
extFileType "Specifies the EXT file type (FIFO, Directory, Regular file, Symbolic link, e...
extFlags "Specifies user flags to further protect (limit its use and modification) the...
extHardLinkCount "Specifies a count of how many hard links point to an Inode
extInodeChangeTime "The date and time at which the file Inode metadata was last modified
extInodeID "Specifies a single Inode identifier
extPermissions "Specifies the read/write/execute permissions for the file represented by an ...
extSGID "Specifies the group ID for the file represented by an Inode
extSUID "Specifies the user ID that 'owns' the file represented by an Inode
isSURootEnabled "Root access through Linux SU binary observed to be enabled

Enumerations in subset

Enumeration Description