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Subset: Samples

Sample datamodel

URI: Samples

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

Classes in subset

Class Description
Attribute A property or characteristic of an entity


A property or characteristic of an entity. For example, an apple may have properties such as color, shape, age, crispiness. An environmental sample may have attributes such as depth, lat, long, material.

Name Cardinality and Range Description
has_attribute 0..*
connects any entity to an attribute
has_attribute_type 1..1
connects an attribute to a class that describes it
has_qualitative_value 0..1
connects an attribute to a value
has_quantitative_value 0..*
connects an attribute to a value
iri 0..1
An IRI for an entity
name 0..1
The human-readable 'attribute name' can be set to a string which reflects its...

Slots in subset

Slot Description
derives_from holds between two distinct material entities, the new entity and the old enti...
has_attribute connects any entity to an attribute
has_attribute_type connects an attribute to a class that describes it
has_numeric_value connects a quantity value to a number
has_qualitative_value connects an attribute to a value
has_quantitative_value connects an attribute to a value
has_unit connects a quantity value to a unit
iri An IRI for an entity
name A human-readable name for an attribute or entity

Enumerations in subset

Enumeration Description