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Subset: ModelSystemDatabase

Subset that is relevant for a typical System Model Database

URI: ModelSystemDatabase

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

Classes in subset

Class Description
AssemblyComplex A stable assembly of two or more assemblies, i
Book This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledg...
DeploymentEntity A process location, or gross deployment part
ExposureEvent A (possibly time bounded) incidence of a feature of the environment of an sys...
Fault A disorder of structure or function, especially one that produces specific si...
InformationContentEntityToNamedThingAssociation association between a named thing and a information content entity where the ...
LifecycleStage A stage of development or growth of a system
ObservableFeature A combination of entity and quality that makes up a observation statement
PopulationOfIndividualSystems A collection of individuals from the same taxonomic class distinguished by on...
Publication Any published piece of information
RedundancyEntity A redundancy entity is a operational entity
Replica The unit of service workload the component is capable of providing or protect...
Serial This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledg...
ServiceType An information content entity that describes a workload by specifying the tot...
SystemTaxon A classification of a set of systems
Workload A workload is the sum of acquired material within a named thing



Name Cardinality and Range Description


A stable assembly of two or more assemblies, i.e. system operation, redundancy entity, etc, in which at least one component is a system operation and the constituent parts function together

Name Cardinality and Range Description


This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledge graph support its utility.

Name Cardinality and Range Description



Name Cardinality and Range Description


A process location, or gross deployment part

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A (possibly time bounded) incidence of a feature of the environment of an system that influences one or more observable feature of that system, potentially mediated by named things

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A disorder of structure or function, especially one that produces specific signs, observable features or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of injury.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


association between a named thing and a information content entity where the specific context of the relationship between that named thing and the publication is unknown. For example, model system databases often capture the knowledge that a named thing is found in a journal article, but not specifically the context in which that named thing was documented in the article. In these cases, this association with the accompanying predicate 'mentions' could be used. Conversely, for more specific associations (like 'named thing to fault association', the publication should be captured as an edge property).

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A stage of development or growth of a system.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A combination of entity and quality that makes up a observation statement. An observable characteristic of an element resulting from the interaction of its observable feature with its operational and tangible environment.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A collection of individuals from the same taxonomic class distinguished by one or more characteristics. Characteristics can include, but are not limited to, shared geographic location, acquireds, observable features.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


Any published piece of information. Can refer to a whole publication, its encompassing publication (i.e. journal or book) or to a part of a publication, if of significant knowledge scope (e.g. a figure, figure legend, or section highlighted by NLP). The scope is intended to be general and include information published on the web, as well as printed materials, either directly or in one of the Publication Baselink category subclasses.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A redundancy entity is a operational entity

Name Cardinality and Range Description


The unit of service workload the component is capable of providing or protecting.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledge graph support its utility.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


An information content entity that describes a workload by specifying the total variation in workload sequence and/or workload expression, relative to some established background

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A classification of a set of systems. Example instances: Can also be used to represent subsystems.

Name Cardinality and Range Description


A workload is the sum of acquired material within a named thing.

Name Cardinality and Range Description

Slots in subset

Slot Description

Enumerations in subset

Enumeration Description