Slot: number_of_documents
The total number of documents, for datasets that are published as a set of individual documents, such as RDF/XML documents or RDFa-annotated web pages. Non-RDF documents, such as web pages in HTML or images, are usually not included in this count. This property is intended for datasets where the total number of triples or entities is hard to determine. void:triples or void:entities should be preferred where practical.
- Range: Integer
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: number of documents
description: The total number of documents, for datasets that are published as a set
of individual documents, such as RDF/XML documents or RDFa-annotated web pages.
Non-RDF documents, such as web pages in HTML or images, are usually not included
in this count. This property is intended for datasets where the total number of
triples or entities is hard to determine. void:triples or void:entities should be
preferred where practical.
- datatype_properties
rank: 1000
domain: dataset
alias: number_of_documents
range: integer