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UCS Core

Classes and Properties shared across Usecases Framework

URI: Name: ucs-core


Class Description
AdministrativeEntity Relating to the arrangements and work that is needed to control the operation...
Agent person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of information (...
Annotation Model root class for entity annotations
Association A typed association between two entities, supported by evidence
Attribute A property or characteristic of an entity
Entity Root Universal Model class for all things and informational relationships, re...
EvidenceType Class of evidence that supports an association
Hardware physical components of a computer
InformationContentEntity A piece of information that typically describes some topic of discourse or is...
Linux family of Unix-like operating systems using Linux kernel and open source
MetaObject linkml:Any type is an experimental feature for allowing arbitrary objects
NamedThing a databased entity or concept/class
OntologyClass A concept or class in an ontology, vocabulary or thesaurus
OpenSource Philosophy about free redistribution and access to a product
OperatingSystem An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, s...
Project Collaborative enterprise, frequently involving research or design, that is ca...
Publication Any published piece of information
QuantityValue A value of an attribute that is quantitative and measurable, available as a c...
Software A set of instructions in a computer programming language that can be executed...
SoftwareOrDevice Either software or hardware
Solaris Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems
System An entity that intends to perform some functions, interacting with other syst...
ThingWithTaxon A mixin that can be used on any entity that can be taxonomically classified
Virtualization computing technique for setting up virtual versions of operating systems or c...
Windows family of computer operating systems developed by Microsoft


Slot Description
address Collection of information that describes the location of a building, apartmen...
affiliation a professional relationship between one provider (x) within another provider ...
after At a later or future time; afterwards
annotation piece of metadata attached to a document or other entity
associationSlot any slot that relates an association to another entity
auth_file A file used for authentication
authfile A file used for authentication
authors Connects an publication to the list of authors who contributed to the publica...
build Complete process of converting source code into software artifacts
cache Computing component that transparently stores data so that future requests fo...
category Name of the high level OntologyClass in which this entity is categorized
cert_dir Use certificates at path (*
certdir Certificate directory
cgroups Resource limit method in Linux
change Process, event or action that deviates from the present state
cmd_args Additional data that was passed as an argument to a subroutine
command Directive to a computer program
commit_message One modality of communication is a commit message, in which developers descri...
compress Process of encoding information using fewer bits than original representation
container Software class, data structure, or abstract data type (ADT) whose instances a...
cpus Number of CPUs
creationDate date on which an entity was created
data Information arranged for automatic processing
debug Return additional information which can be helpful for investigations
description a human-readable description of an entity
dest Location where item appears, appeared, or is intended to be after transition
device System device
dns Domain name service servers
dns_opt DNS options
dns_option DNS options
dns_search DNS search domains
driver Computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device
driver_opts Driver-specific options
env Set environment variables
env_file Line delimited file of environment variables
etc_hosts Computer configuration file to map hostnames to IP addresses
executable file that can be directly run by a computer
file contained block of information on a computer
force coercion or compulsion
gateway Hardware or software components that connect between two network systems
hasAttribute connects any entity to an attribute
hasAttributeType connects an attribute to a class that describes it
hasEvidence connects an association to an instance of supporting evidence
hasNumericValue connects a quantity value to a number
hasQualitativeValue connects an attribute to a value
hasQuantitativeValue Connects an attribute to a value
hasUnit connects a quantity value to a unit
healthcheck Set or alter a healthcheck command
healthcheck_interval Set an interval for the healthchecks
healthcheck_retries The number of retries allowed before a healthcheck is considered unhealthy
healthcheck_timeout The maximum time allowed to complete the healthcheck before an interval is co...
hostname label assigned to a device connected to a computer network
http_proxy The https_proxy environment variable holds the hostname or IP address of your...
id A unique identifier for an entity
image artifact that depicts or records visual perception
infra Fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other areas
init UNIX system component; 1st process started during booting of the computer sys...
input Input of a program or process, i
inTaxon connects an entity to its taxonomic classification
interactive Allow flow of information between a computer and a computer-user; responding ...
internal Happening or arising or located within some limits, or especially, within som...
ip Principal communications protocol used for relaying datagrams (also known as ...
ip_range Bundle of consecutive public IP addresses
ipv6 Version 6 of the Internet Protocol
iri An IRI for an entity
keywords keywords tagging a publication
label Word or phrase used for identification
lcshTerms Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) terms tagging a publication
log_driver Driver used for logging
log_level Message logging level
mac_address Unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the ph...
max_size Maximum size of an entity
memory Storage of digital data readable by computers
mount Directory over which a filesystem is mounted
mtu Size of the largest network layer protocol data unit that can be communicated...
name A human-readable name for an attribute or entity
names Names of entites
negated if set to true, then the association is negated i
network Network that allows computers to share resources and communicate with each ot...
new Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not e...
nodeProperty A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value
object Connects an association to the object of the association
opt Individual item to configure a computer system or app
options Driver-specific options
pages Page number of source referenced for statement or publication
password Used for user authentication to prove identity or access approval
path general form of the name of a file or directory; resources can be represented...
pid number to identify each process running on a computer
predicate A high-level grouping for the relationship type
privileged Delegated authority to perform security-relevant functions on a system
providedBy The value in this nodeProperty represents the knowledge provider that created...
publications connects an association to publications supporting the association
publish Publish things to make something externally available
qualifiers connects an association to qualifiers that modify or qualify the meaning of t...
quiet Make or become silent, calm, or still
read_only Can be accessed but not modified
recreate Create again
relatedTo A relationship that is asserted between two named things
relatedToAtInstanceLevel Represents a relationship held between two instances of a data classes
rm Automatically remove the entity when it exits
rootfs Root filesystem at the top of the hierarchical file tree (also known as ‘/’)
secrets information that is hidden from someone
separator Sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separ...
share Computer resource made available from one host to other hosts on a computer n...
src Object (person, place, text, thing, etc
state The way something is with respect to its main attributes
subject Connects an association to the subject of the association
subnet Logically visible subdivision of an IP network
summary executive summary of a publication
sysctl Unix-like software that manages kernel attributes
systemd Init system and system/service manager for Linux systems
tag Metadata used for classifications or adding of informations
taxonOf Taxon of entity
timezone Region on Earth that has a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and s...
tls_verify Require HTTPS and verify certificates
tlsverify Require HTTPS and verify certificates
tmpfs Tmpfs (short for Temporary File System) is a temporary file storage paradigm ...
transport Human-directed movement of things or people between locations
tty Device for transmitting messages in written form by electrical signals
type Anchoring point (of a name) in taxonomy
ulimit User limits - limit the use of system-wide resources
user Person who interacts with a system, typically through an interface, to extrac...
username Identifier for a person in a computer system
uts UTS (UNIX Time-Sharing) namespaces allow a single system to appear to have di...
validate_certs Validate certificates
vlan Network communications domain that is isolated at the data link layer
volume volume of a book or music release in a collection/series or a published colle...
workdir The currently used hierarchical file system directory associated with a runni...
xref Alternate CURIEs for a thing


Enumeration Description


Type Description
CategoryType A primitive type in which the value denotes a class within the universal mode...
IriType An IRI
LabelType A string that provides a human-readable name for an entity
NarrativeText A string that provides a human-readable description of something
PredicateType A CURIE from the csolink related_to hierarchy


Subset Description
Ansible open-source software platform for remote configuring and managing computers
Salt Configuration management software