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UCS Containers

Classes and Properties representing Containers in UseCaseS Framework

URI: Name: ucs-containers


Class Description
Container Software that emulates a whole computer by means of an isolated user-space en...
Containerd Container runtime
Docker open-source software for deploying containerized applications
IacModule Self contained software module
Kubernetes software to manage containers on a server-cluster
LinuxContainersProject Linux Containers is umbrella project for LXD, LXC, LXCFS and distrobuilder
Lxc Operating system-level virtualization for Linux
LxcFs LXCFS is a simple userspace filesystem designed to work around some current l...
Lxd Lxd is a system container and virtual machine manager for Linux OS
OciContainer Open Container Initiative (OCI) compliant containers
OpenContainerInitiative An open governance structure for express purpose of creating open industry st...
Podman daemonless OCI-compliant container runtime
PodmanContainer Podman container
PodmanContainers Podman containers
PodmanExport Export a Podman container
PodmanGenerateSystemd Generate systemd unit from a pod or a container
PodmanImage Podman container image
PodmanImport Import Podman container from file
PodmanLoad Load container into container storage
PodmanLogin Login to a Container registry using Podman
PodmanLogout Logout of a Container registry using Podman
PodmanNetwork Manage podman networks
PodmanPlay Play kubernetes YAML file using podman
PodmanPod Manage Podman pods
PodmanSave Saves podman image to tar file
PodmanSecret Manage Podman secrets
PodmanTag Add an additional name to a local image
PodmanVolume Manage Podman Volumes


Slot Description
add_host Add host to system
all The whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing
blkio_weight Specifies per cgroup weight
blkio_weight_device Per cgroup per device rules using this interface
ca_cert_dir Path to directory containing TLS certificates and keys
cap_add List of capabilities to add to OCI container
cap_drop List of capabilities to drop from OCI container
cgroup_parent On creation, all processes are put in the cgroup that the parent process belo...
cgroupns cgroup namespace provides a mechanism to virtualize the view of the "/proc/$P...
cidfile Write the container ID to the file
configmap A ConfigMap is an API object that lets you store configuration for other obje...
conmon_pidfile File to which the conman daemon's PID is written
container_prefix Prefix for a Container
containers Bunch of containers
cpu_period Configure CPU allocation parameters using platform realtime scheduler
cpu_rt_period Configure CPU allocation parameters using platform realtime scheduler
cpu_rt_runtime A global limit on how much time platform realtime scheduling may use
cpu_shares Control how much CPU time a process in a hierarchy can use
cpuset_cpus CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
cpuset_mems Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1) on NUMA systems
detach Separate one entity to form another entity
detach_keys Override the key sequence for detaching a container
device_read_bps Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device
device_read_iops Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device
device_write_bps Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device
device_write_iops Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device
disable_dns Disable dns
entrypoint Point in a computer program where instruction-execution begins
env_host Environment variables for a host
expose To present to view; exhibit; display
extra_args Extra arguments passed
force_restart Force restart of entity
force_rm Force removal
generate_systemd Generate systemd unit file for a service
gidmap Group id mapping
group_add Add additional groups
healthcheck_start_period The initialization time needed for a container to bootstrap
hooks_dir Directory containing hooks, a technique to alter the behavior of a software b...
ignore_docker_credentials Credentials created using other tools such as docker login are not removed ...
image_strict Whether to compare images in idempotency by taking into account a full name w...
image_volume Volume created from an Image
infra_command Infrastructure command
infra_conmon_pidfile Write the pid of the infra container’s conmon process to a file
infra_image The image that will be created for the infra container
infra_name The name that will be used for the pod’s infra container
init_path Path to the init binary
ipc Mechanisms an operating system provides allowing processes to manage shared d...
kernel_memory The kernel has full access to the system's memory and allows processes to saf...
kube_file Path to file with YAML configuration for a Pod
label_file Line delimited file of labels
log_opt Logging driver specific options
macvlan Macvlan is a virtual LAN that you can use if you want to assign several IP ad...
memory_reservation A memory reservation ensures that even as other virtual devices on the same h...
memory_swap Memory management scheme by which a computer stores and retrieves data from s...
memory_swappiness Swappiness is a Linux kernel parameter that controls the relative weight give...
multi_image_archive Allow for creating archives with more than one image
network_alias Add network-scoped alias
network_aliases Add network-scoped alias
no_header Do not generate the header including meta data
no_hosts Do not create /etc/hosts
oom_kill_disable Whether to disable OOM Killer for the entity or not
oom_score_adj Tune the host's OOM preferences for entity (accepts -1000 to 1000)
pids_limit Tune the entity's PIDs limit
pod Vessel that contains seeds for an entity
pod_id_file Write the pod ID to the file
pod_prefix Prefix for a Pod
publish_all Publish all exposed ports to random ports on the host interfaces
pull Exert force on entity so as to cause movement towards oneself
push Exert force on entity so as to cause movement away from oneself
push_args Arguments that control push action
read_only_tmpfs If container is running in --read-only mode, then mount a read-write tmpfs on...
registry Set of records with a single structure arranged according to a criterion, pro...
remove_signatures Discard any pre-existing signatures
requires Specify one or more requirements
restart_policy Restart policy to follow when entity exits
restart_sec Time to sleep before restart
sdnotify Notify service manager about start-up completion and other service status cha...
seccomp_profile_root Directory path for seccomp profiles
security_opt Security Options
shm_size Size of /dev/shm
sig_proxy Proxy signals
sign_by Path to a key file to use to sign the package
skip_existing Skip existing entity
start_timeout Timeout (in seconds) to start a process
stop_signal Signal to stop a process
stop_timeout Timeout (in seconds) to stop a process
subgidname Name from /etc/subgid
subuidname Name from /etc/subuid
target_names Target names
uidmap Run the container in a new user namespace using the supplied mapping
use_names Use names
userns User namespaces are an isolation feature allowing processes to run with diffe...
volumes_from Mount volumes from the specified source
wants Wanted things


Enumeration Description
CgroupsEnum Use cgroups or not
ContainerImageFormatEnum Container format
ContainerImagePushTransportEnum Transport to use when pushing in image
ContainerImageStateEnum Valid values for Container Image state
ContainerImageVolumeEnum Builtin image volume handling
ContainerLogDriverEnum Logging driver
ContainerLogLevelEnum Logging level
ContainerRestartPolicyEnum Restart policy after exit
ContainerSaveFormatEnum Image save format
ContainerStateEnum Valid values for Container state


Type Description


Subset Description