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UCO Types

URI: Name: uco-types


Class Description
ControlledDictionary "A controlled dictionary is a list of (term/key, value) pairs where each term...
ControlledDictionaryEntry "A controlled dictionary entry is a single (term/key, value) pair where the t...
Dictionary "A dictionary is list of (term/key, value) pairs with each term/key existing ...
DictionaryEntry "A dictionary entry is a single (term/key, value) pair
Hash "A hash is a grouping of characteristics unique to the result of applying a m...
Thread "A semi-ordered array of items, that can be present in multiple copies
ThreadItem "A ThreadItem is a member of a thread


Slot Description
_value "A specific property value
entry "A dictionary entry
hashMethod "A particular cryptographic hashing method (e
hashValue "A cryptographic hash value
identifier An identifier is a string conformant to the specified UUID-based format for U...
key "A key property of a single dictionary entry
nativeFormatString "Specifies data in its native format of some external language
structuredText "Expresses string-based data in some information structuring format (e
threadNextItem "The link to a next item in a thread
threadOriginItem "A link to an item of the thread known to have no predecessor
threadPredecessor "The link to the preceding item in a thread
threadPreviousItem "A direct link to a previous item in a thread
threadSuccessor "A link to a following item in a thread
threadTerminalItem "A link to an item of the thread known to have no successor


Enumeration Description


Type Description


Subset Description