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Slot: startTime

The initial time of a time range.

URI: core:startTime

Applicable Classes

Name Description
CalendarEntryFacet "A calendar entry facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an appoint...
CallFacet "A call facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a connection as part...
CapturedTelecommunicationsInformationFacet "A captured telecommunications information facet represents certain informati...
EventRecordFacet "An event record facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to something t...
GeoLocationTrackFacet "A geolocation track facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a set o...
NetworkConnectionFacet "A network connection facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a conn...
Relationship A relationship is a grouping of characteristics unique to an assertion that o...
Action "An action is something that may be done or performed
ActionLifecycle "An action lifecycle is an action pattern consisting of an ordered set of mul...
ObservableAction "An observable action is a grouping of characteristics unique to something th...
ObservableRelationship "An observable relationship is a grouping of characteristics unique to an ass...
Observation "An observation is a temporal perception of an observable
ActionPattern "An action pattern is a grouping of characteristics unique to a combination o...


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: startTime
description: The initial time of a time range.
- sumo:TimePoint
alias: startTime
- CalendarEntryFacet
- CallFacet
- CapturedTelecommunicationsInformationFacet
- EventRecordFacet
- GeoLocationTrackFacet
- NetworkConnectionFacet
- Relationship
- Action
- ActionLifecycle
range: datetime