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Uco Observable

URI: Name: uco-observable


Class Description
Account "An account is an arrangement with an entity to enable and control the provis...
AccountAuthenticationFacet "An account authentication facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to t...
AccountFacet "An account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an arrangement w...
Adaptor "An adaptor is a device that physically converts the pin outputs but does not...
Address "An address is an identifier assigned to enable routing and management of inf...
AlternateDataStream "An alternate data stream is data content stored within an NTFS file that is ...
AlternateDataStreamFacet "An alternate data stream facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to da...
AndroidDevice "An Android device is a device running the Android operating system
AndroidDeviceFacet "An Android device facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an Androi...
AndroidPhone An android phone is a smart phone that applies the Android mobile operating s...
AntennaFacet "An antenna alignment facet contains the metadata surrounding the cell tower'...
API "An API (application programming interface) is a computing interface that def...
AppleDevice "An apple device is a smart device that applies either the MacOS or iOS opera...
Appliance "An appliance is a purpose-built computer with software or firmware that is d...
Application "An application is a particular software program designed for end users
ApplicationAccount "An application account is an account within a particular software program de...
ApplicationAccountFacet "An application account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an a...
ApplicationFacet "An application facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particular...
ApplicationVersion "An application version is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particul...
ArchiveFile "An archive file is a file that is composed of one or more computer files alo...
ArchiveFileFacet "An archive file facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a file that...
ARPCache "An ARP cache is a collection of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries (m...
ARPCacheEntry "An ARP cache entry is a single Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) response re...
Audio "audio is a digital representation of sound
AudioFacet "An audio facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a digital represen...
AutonomousSystem "An autonomous system is a collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) rou...
AutonomousSystemFacet "An autonomous system facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a coll...
BlackBerryPhone "A blackberry phone is a smart phone that applies the Blackberry OS mobile op...
BlockDeviceNode "A block device node is a UNIX filesystem special file that serves as a condu...
BluetoothAddress "A Bluetooth address is a Bluetooth standard conformant identifier assigned t...
BluetoothAddressFacet "A Bluetooth address facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a Bluet...
BotConfiguration "A bot configuration is a set of contextual settings for a software applicati...
BrowserBookmark "A browser bookmark is a saved shortcut that directs a WWW (World Wide Web) b...
BrowserBookmarkFacet "A browser bookmark facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a saved ...
BrowserCookie "A browser cookie is a piece of of data sent from a website and stored on the...
BrowserCookieFacet "A browser cookie facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a piece of...
Calendar "A calendar is a collection of appointments, meetings, and events
CalendarEntry "A calendar entry is an appointment, meeting or event within a collection of ...
CalendarEntryFacet "A calendar entry facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an appoint...
CalendarFacet "A calendar facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a collection of ...
Call "A call is a connection as part of a realtime cyber communication between one...
CallFacet "A call facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a connection as part...
CapturedTelecommunicationsInformationFacet "A captured telecommunications information facet represents certain informati...
CellSiteFacet "A cell site facet contains the metadata surrounding the cell site
CharacterDeviceNode "A character device node is a UNIX filesystem special file that serves as a c...
Code "Code is a direct representation (source, byte or binary) of a collection of ...
CompressedStreamFacet "A compressed stream facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the app...
Computer "A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typicall...
ComputerSpecification "A computer specification is the hardware and software of a programmable elec...
ComputerSpecificationFacet "A computer specificaiton facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to th...
ConfiguredSoftware "A configured software is a Software that is known to be configured to run in...
Contact "A contact is a set of identification and communication related details for a...
ContactAddress "A contact address is a grouping of characteristics unique to a geolocation a...
ContactAffiliation "A contact affiliation is a grouping of characteristics unique to details of ...
ContactEmail "A contact email is a grouping of characteristics unique to details for conta...
ContactFacet "A contact facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a set of identifi...
ContactList "A contact list is a set of multiple individual contacts such as that found i...
ContactListFacet "A contact list facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a set of mul...
ContactMessaging "A contactMessaging is a grouping of characteristics unique to details for co...
ContactPhone "A contactPhone is a grouping of characteristics unique to details for contac...
ContactProfile "A contactProfile is a grouping of characteristics unique to details for cont...
ContactSIP "A contactSIP is a grouping of characteristics unique to details for contacti...
ContactURL "A contactURL is a grouping of characteristics unique to details for contacti...
ContentData "Content data is a block of digital data
ContentDataFacet "A content data facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a block of d...
CookieHistory "A cookie history is the stored web cookie history for a particular web brows...
Credential "A credential is a single specific login and password combination for authori...
CredentialDump "A credential dump is a collection (typically forcibly extracted from a syste...
DataRangeFacet "A data range facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particular c...
DefinedEffectFacet "A defined effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the effect...
Device "A device is a piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special ...
DeviceFacet "A device facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a piece of equipme...
DigitalAccount "A digital account is an arrangement with an entity to enable and control the...
DigitalAccountFacet "A digital account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an arrang...
DigitalAddress "A digital address is an identifier assigned to enable routing and management...
DigitalAddressFacet "A digital address facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an identi...
DigitalCamera "A digital camera is a camera that captures photographs in digital memory as ...
DigitalSignatureInfo "A digital signature info is a value calculated via a mathematical scheme for...
DigitalSignatureInfoFacet "A digital signature info facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a ...
Directory "A directory is a file system cataloging structure which contains references ...
Disk "A disk is a storage mechanism where data is recorded by various electronic, ...
DiskFacet "A disk facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a storage mechanism ...
DiskPartition "A disk partition is a particular managed region on a storage mechanism where...
DiskPartitionFacet "A disk partition facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particul...
DNSCache "An DNS cache is a temporary locally stored collection of previous Domain Nam...
DNSRecord "A DNS record is a single Domain Name System (DNS) artifact specifying inform...
DomainName "A domainName is an identification string that defines a realm of administrat...
DomainNameFacet "A domainName facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an identificat...
Drone "A drone, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is an aircraft without a human pilot...
EmailAccount "An email account is an arrangement with an entity to enable and control the ...
EmailAccountFacet "An email account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an arrange...
EmailAddress "An emailAddress is an identifier for an electronic mailbox to which electron...
EmailAddressFacet "An emailAddress facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an identifi...
EmailMessage "An email message is a message that is an instance of an electronic mail corr...
EmailMessageFacet "An email message facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a message ...
EmbeddedDevice "An embedded device is a highly specialized microprocessor device meant for o...
EncodedStreamFacet "An encoded stream facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the conve...
EncryptedStreamFacet "An encrypted stream facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the con...
EnvironmentVariable "An environment variable is a grouping of characteristics unique to a dynamic...
EventLog "An event log is a collection of event records
EventRecord "An event record is something that happens in a digital context (e
EventRecordFacet "An event record facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to something t...
EXIFFacet "An EXIF (exchangeable image file format) facet is a grouping of characterist...
ExtInodeFacet "An extInode facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a file system o...
ExtractedString "An extracted string is a grouping of characteristics unique to a series of c...
ExtractedStringsFacet "An extracted strings facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to one or...
File "A file is a computer resource for recording data discretely on a computer st...
FileFacet "A file facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the storage of a fil...
FilePermissionsFacet "A file permissions facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the acce...
FileSystem "A file system is the process that manages how and where data on a storage me...
FileSystemFacet "A file system facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the process t...
FileSystemObject "A file system object is an informational object represented and managed with...
ForumPost "A forum post is message submitted by a user account to an online forum where...
ForumPrivateMessage "A forum private message (aka PM or DM (direct message)) is a one-to-one mess...
FragmentFacet "A fragment facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an individual pi...
GamingConsole "A gaming console (video game console or game console) is an electronic syste...
GenericObservableObject "A generic observable object is an article or unit within the digital domain
GeoLocationEntry "A geolocation entry is a single application-specific geolocation entry
GeoLocationEntryFacet "A geolocation entry facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a singl...
GeoLocationLog "A geolocation log is a record containing geolocation tracks and/or geolocati...
GeoLocationLogFacet "A geolocation log facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a record ...
GeoLocationTrack "A geolocation track is a set of contiguous geolocation entries representing ...
GeoLocationTrackFacet "A geolocation track facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a set o...
GlobalFlagType 'A globalFlagType is a grouping of characteristics unique to the Windows syst...
GUI "A GUI is a graphical user interface that allows users to interact with elect...
Hostname "A hostname is a label that is assigned to a device connected to a computer n...
HTTPConnection "An HTTP connection is network connection that is conformant to the Hypertext...
HTTPConnectionFacet "An HTTP connection facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to portions...
ICMPConnection "An ICMP connection is a network connection that is conformant to the Interne...
ICMPConnectionFacet "An ICMP connection facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to portions...
IComHandlerActionType "An IComHandler action type is a grouping of characteristics unique to a Wind...
IExecActionType "An IExec action type is a grouping of characteristics unique to an action th...
Image "An image is a complete copy of a hard disk, memory, or other digital media
ImageFacet "An image facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a complete copy of...
InstantMessagingAddress ""
InstantMessagingAddressFacet "An instant messagingAddress facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to...
IPAddress "An IP address is an Internet Protocol (IP) standards conformant identifier a...
IPAddressFacet "An IP address facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an Internet P...
IPNetmask "An IP netmask is a 32-bit 'mask' used to divide an IP address into subnets a...
IPv4Address "An IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) address is an IPv4 standards conforman...
IPv4AddressFacet "An IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) address facet is a grouping of charact...
IPv6Address "An IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) address is an IPv6 standards conforman...
IPv6AddressFacet "An IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) address facet is a grouping of charact...
IShowMessageActionType "An IShow message action type is a grouping of characteristics unique to an a...
Junction "A junction is a specific NTFS (New Technology file System) reparse point to ...
Laptop "A laptop, laptop computer, or notebook computer is a small, portable persona...
Library "A library is a suite of data and programming code that is used to develop so...
LibraryFacet "A library facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a suite of data a...
MACAddress "A MAC address is a media access control standards conformant identifier assi...
MACAddressFacet "A MAC address facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a media acces...
Memory "memory is a particular region of temporary information storage (e
MemoryFacet "A memory facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particular regio...
Message "A message is a discrete unit of electronic communication intended by the sou...
MessageFacet "A message facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a discrete unit o...
MessageThreadFacet "A messageThread facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a running c...
MftRecordFacet "An MFT record facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the details o...
MimePartType "A mime part type is a grouping of characteristics unique to a component of a...
MobileAccount "A mobile account is an arrangement with an entity to enable and control the ...
MobileAccountFacet "A mobile account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an arrange...
MobileDevice "A mobile device is a portable computing device
MobileDeviceFacet "A mobile device facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a portable ...
MobilePhone "A mobile phone is a portable telephone that at least can make and receive ca...
Mutex "A mutex is a mechanism that enforces limits on access to a resource when the...
MutexFacet "A mutex facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a mechanism that en...
NamedPipe "A named pipe is a mechanism for FIFO (first-in-first-out) inter-process comm...
NetworkAppliance "A network appliance is a purpose-built computer with software or firmware th...
NetworkConnection "A network connection is a connection (completed or attempted) across a digit...
NetworkConnectionFacet "A network connection facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a conn...
NetworkFlow "A network flow is a sequence of data transiting one or more digital network ...
NetworkFlowFacet "A network flow facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a sequence o...
NetworkInterface "A networkInterface is a software or hardware interface between two pieces of...
NetworkInterfaceFacet "A networkInterface facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a softwa...
NetworkProtocol "A network protocol is an established set of structured rules that determine ...
NetworkRoute "A network route is a specific path (of specific network nodes, connections a...
NetworkSocketAddressFamily "The address family parameter on a socket() API determines the format of the ...
NetworkSocketProtocolFamily "The protocol family specifies the protocol scheme that is used by the Socket...
NetworkSocketType "Depending on the type and importance of data exchanged between the applicati...
NetworkSubnet "A network subnet is a logical subdivision of an IP network
Note "A note is a brief textual record
NoteFacet "A note facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a brief textual reco...
NTFSFile "An NTFS file is a New Technology file System (NTFS) file
NTFSFileFacet "An NTFS file facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a file on an N...
NTFSFilePermissionsFacet "An NTFS file permissions facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to th...
Observable "An observable is a characterizable item or action within the digital domain
ObservableAction "An observable action is a grouping of characteristics unique to something th...
ObservableObject "An observable object is a grouping of characteristics unique to a distinct a...
ObservablePattern "An observable pattern is a grouping of characteristics unique to a logical p...
ObservableRelationship "An observable relationship is a grouping of characteristics unique to an ass...
Observation "An observation is a temporal perception of an observable
OnlineService "An online service is a particular provision mechanism of information access,...
OnlineServiceFacet "An online service facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particu...
OperatingSystem "An operating system is the software that manages computer hardware, software...
OperatingSystemFacet "An operating system facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the sof...
PathRelationFacet "A path relation facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the locatio...
PaymentCard "A payment card is a physical token that is part of a payment system issued b...
PDFFile "A PDF file is a Portable Document Format (PDF) file
PDFFileFacet "A PDF file facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a PDF (Portable ...
PhoneAccount "A phone account is an arrangement with an entity to enable and control the p...
PhoneAccountFacet "A phone account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an arrangem...
Pipe "A pipe is a mechanism for one-way inter-process communication using message ...
Post "A post is message submitted to an online discussion/publishing site (forum, ...
Process "A process is an instance of a computer program executed on an operating syst...
ProcessFacet "A process facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an instance of a ...
ProcessThread "A process thread is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that ca...
Profile "A profile is an explicit digital representation of identity and characterist...
ProfileFacet "A profile facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an explicit digit...
PropertiesEnumeratedEffectFacet "A properties enumerated effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique...
PropertyReadEffectFacet "A properties read effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to th...
ProtocolConverter "A protocol converter is a device that converts from one protocol to another ...
RasterPicture "A raster picture is a raster (or bitmap) image
RasterPictureFacet "A raster picture facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a raster (...
RecoveredObject "An observable object that was the result of a recovery operation
RecoveredObjectFacet "Recoverability status of name, metadata, and content
RegistryDatatype "Data types used in Windows operating systems Registry, and the earlier IBM/M...
ReparsePoint "A reparse point is a type of NTFS (New Technology file System) object which ...
SecurityAppliance "A security appliance is a purpose-built computer with software or firmware t...
Semaphore "A semaphore is a variable or abstract dataType used to control access to a c...
SendControlCodeEffectFacet "A send controlCode effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to t...
Server "A server is a server rack-mount based computer, minicomputer, supercomputer,...
ShopListing "A shop listing is a listing of offered products on an online marketplace/sho...
SIMCard "A SIM card is a subscriber identification module card intended to securely s...
SIMCardFacet "A SIM card facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a subscriber ide...
SIPAaddress "A SIP address is an identifier for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) communi...
SIPAddressFacet "A SIP address facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a Session Ini...
SmartDevice "A smart device is a microprocessor IoT device that is expected to be connect...
SmartPhone "A smartphone is a portable device that combines mobile telephone and computi...
SMSMessage "An SMS message is a message conformant to the short message service (SMS) co...
SMSMessageFacet "A SMS message facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a message con...
Snapshot "A snapshot is a file system object representing a snapshot of the contents o...
Socket "A socket is a special file used for inter-process communication, which enabl...
SocketAddress "A socket address (combining and IP address and a port number) is a composite...
Software "Software is a definitely scoped instance of a collection of data or computer...
SoftwareFacet "A software facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a software progr...
SQLiteBlob "An SQLite blob is a blob (binary large object) of data within an SQLite data...
SQLiteBlobFacet "An SQLite blob facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a blob (bina...
StateChangeEffectFacet "A state change effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the e...
StorageMedium "A storage medium is any digital storage device that applies electromagnetic ...
SymbolicLink "A symbolic link is a file that contains a reference to another file or direc...
SymbolicLinkFacet "A symbolic link facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a file that...
TableField "A database table field and its associated value contained within a relationa...
TableFieldFacet "A database record facet contains properties associated with a specific table...
Tablet "A tablet is a mobile computer that is primarily operated by touching the scr...
TaskActionType "A task action type is a grouping of characteristics for a scheduled action t...
TCPConnection "A TCP connection is a network connection that is conformant to the Transfer"
TCPConnectionFacet "A TCP connection facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to portions o...
TriggerType "A triggerType is a grouping of characterizes unique to a set of criteria tha...
Tweet "A tweet is message submitted by a Twitter user account to the Twitter microb...
TwitterProfileFacet "A twitter profile facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an explic...
UNIXAccount "A UNIX account is an account on a UNIX operating system
UNIXAccountFacet "A UNIX account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an account o...
UNIXFile "A UNIX file is a file pertaining to the UNIX operating system
UNIXFilePermissionsFacet "A UNIX file permissions facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the...
UNIXProcess "A UNIX process is an instance of a computer program executed on a UNIX opera...
UNIXProcessFacet "A UNIX process facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an instance ...
UNIXVolumeFacet "A UNIX volume facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a single acce...
URL "A URL is a uniform resource locator (URL) acting as a resolvable address to ...
URLFacet "A URL facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a uniform resource lo...
URLHistory "A URL history characterizes the stored URL history for a particular web brow...
URLHistoryEntry "A URL history entry is a grouping of characteristics unique to the propertie...
URLHistoryFacet "A URL history facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the stored UR...
URLVisit "A URL visit characterizes the properties of a visit of a URL within a partic...
URLVisitFacet "A URL visit facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to the properties ...
UserAccount "A user account is an account controlling a user's access to a network, syste...
UserAccountFacet "A user account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to an account c...
UserSession "A user session is a temporary and interactive information interchange betwee...
UserSessionFacet "A user session facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a temporary ...
ValuesEnumeratedEffectFacet "A values enumerated effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to ...
Volume "A volume is a single accessible storage area (volume) with a single file sys...
VolumeFacet "A volume facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a single accessibl...
WearableDevice "A wearable device is an electronic device that is designed to be worn on a p...
WebPage "A web page is a specific collection of information provided by a website and...
Whois "Whois is a response record conformant to the WHOIS protocol standard (RFC 39...
WhoisContactFacet "A Whois contact type is a grouping of characteristics unique to contact-rela...
WhoisFacet "A Whois facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a response record c...
WhoisRegistrarInfoType "A Whois registrarInfo type is a grouping of characteristics unique to regist...
WifiAddress "A Wi-Fi address is a media access control (MAC) standards-conformant identif...
WifiAddressFacet "A Wi-Fi address facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a media acc...
Wiki "A wiki is an online hypertext publication collaboratively edited and managed...
WikiArticle "A wiki article is one or more pages in a wiki focused on characterizing a pa...
WindowsAccount "A Windows account is a user account on a Windows operating system
WindowsAccountFacet "A Windows account facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a user ac...
WindowsActiveDirectoryAccount "A Windows Active Directory account is an account managed by directory-based ...
WindowsActiveDirectoryAccountFacet "A Windows Active Directory account facet is a grouping of characteristics un...
WindowsComputerSpecification "A Windows computer specification is the hardware ans software of a programma...
WindowsComputerSpecificationFacet "A Windows computer specification facet is a grouping of characteristics uniq...
WindowsCriticalSection "A Windows critical section is a Windows object that provides synchronization...
WindowsEvent "A Windows event is a notification record of an occurance of interest (system...
WindowsFileMapping "A windows file mapping is the association of a file's contents with a portio...
WindowsHandle "A Windows handle is an abstract reference to a resource within the Windows o...
WindowsHook "A Windows hook is a mechanism by which an application can intercept events, ...
WindowsMailSlot "A Windows mailslot is is a pseudofile that resides in memory, and may be acc...
WindowsNetworkShare "A Windows network share is a Windows computer resource made available from o...
WindowsPEBinaryFile "A Windows PE binary file is a Windows portable executable (PE) file
WindowsPEBinaryFileFacet "A Windows PE binary file facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a ...
WindowsPEFileHheader "A Windows PE file header is a grouping of characteristics unique to the 'hea...
WindowsPEOptionalHeader "A Windows PE optional header is a grouping of characteristics unique to the ...
WindowsPESection "A Windows PE section is a grouping of characteristics unique to a specific d...
WindowsPrefetch "The Windows prefetch contains entries in a Windows prefetch file (used to sp...
WindowsPrefetchFacet "A Windows prefetch facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to entries ...
WindowsProcess "A Windows process is a program running on a Windows operating system
WindowsProcessFacet "A Windows process facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a program...
WindowsRegistryHive "The Windows registry hive is a particular logical group of keys, subkeys, an...
WindowsRegistryHiveFacet "A Windows registry hive facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a p...
WindowsRegistryKey "A Windows registry key is a particular key within a Windows registry (a hier...
WindowsRegistrykeyFacet "A Windows registry key facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a pa...
WindowsRegistryValue "A Windows registry value is a grouping of characteristics unique to a partic...
WindowsService "A Windows service is a specific Windows service (a computer program that ope...
WindowsServiceFacet "A Windows service facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a specifi...
WindowsSystemRestore "A Windows system restore is a capture of a Windows computer's state (includi...
WindowsTask "A Windows task is a process that is scheduled to execute on a Windows operat...
WindowsTaskFacet "A Windows Task facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a Windows Ta...
WindowsThread "A Windows thread is a single thread of execution within a Windows process
WindowsThreadFacet "A Windows thread facet is a grouping os characteristics unique to a single t...
WindowsVolumeFacet "A Windows volume facet is a grouping of characteristics unique to a single a...
WindowsWaitableTime "A Windows waitable timer is a synchronization object within the Windows oper...
WirelessNetworkConnection "A wireless network connection is a connection (completed or attempted) acros...
WirelessNetworkConnectionFacet "A wireless network connection facet is a grouping of characteristics unique ...
WriteBlocker "A write blocker is a device that allows read-only access to storage mediums ...
X509Certificate "A X
X509CertificateFacet "A X
X509V3Certificate "An X
X509V3ExtensionsFacet "An X


Slot Description
abbreviation "The abbreviation of a global flag
accessedDirectory "Directories accessed by the prefetch application during startup
accessedFile " files (e
accessedTime "The date and time at which the Object was accessed
account "Specifies the account referenced in an event log entry or used to run the sc...
accountIdentifier "The unique identifier for the account
accountIssuer "The issuer of this account
accountLogin "The login identifier for the digital account
accountLogonType "Specifies the security logon method required to run the tasks associated wit...
accountRunLevel "Specifies the permission level of the account that the task will be run at
accountType "The type of account, for instance bank, phone, application, service, etc
actionID "Specifies the user-defined identifier for the action
actionList "Specifies a list of actions to be performed by the scheduled task
actionType "Specifies the type of the action
adapterName "Specifies the name of the network adapter used by the networkInterface
addressOfEntryPoint "Specifies the address of the entry point relative to the imageBase when the ...
addressValue "The value of an address
advertisingID "Advertising ID as a UUID
allocationStatus "The allocation status of a file
androidFingerprint "A string that uniquely identifies a build of the Android operating system
androidID "A 64-bit number (expressed as a hexadecimal string), unique to each combinat...
androidVersion "The user-visible version string
antennaHeight "The height (in meters) of the antenna from the ground
application "The application associated with this object
applicationFileName "Name of the executable of the prefetch file
archiveType "The type of a file archive, e
arguments "A list of arguments utilized in initiating the process
attendant "The attendants of the event
audioType "The type of a audio
availableRam "Specifies the amount of physical memory available on the system, in bytes
azimuth "The median rotation in degrees around a vertical axis of the cell antenna se...
baseOfCode "Specifies the address that is relative to the imageBase of the beginning-of-...
baseStation "The baseStation
bcc "Allows the sender of a message to conceal the person entered in the BCC fiel...
biosDate "Specifies the date of the BIOS (e
biosManufacturer "Specifies the manufacturer of the BIOS
biosReleaseDate "Specifies the date the BIOS was released
biosSerialNumber "Specifies the serialNumber of the BIOS
biosVersion "Specifies the version of the BIOS
bitness "Specifies the bitness of the operating system (i
bitRate "The bitrate of the audio in bits per second
blockType "The blockType property specifies the blockType of a particular memory object
bluetoothDeviceName "Name configured withing Bluetooth settings on a device
body "Text forming the main content of a printed or digital work (as opposed to ad...
bodyMultipart "A list of the MIME parts that make up the email body
bookmarkPath "The folder containing the bookmark
browserInformation "Specifies information about the particular Web Browser
browserUserProfile "Specifies the web browserUserProfile for which the URL history entry was cre...
byteStringValue "Specifies the raw, byte-string representation of the extracted string
callType "The type of a phone call,for example incoming, outgoing, missed
camera "The name/make of the camera that was used for taking the picture
captureCellSite "Specifies the cell site accessed
carrier "Telecommunications service provider that sold the SIM card
categories "Categories applied to the object
cc "Carbon copy: technique of producing one or more copies simultaneously
cellSiteCountryCode "The country code represents the country of the cell site
cellSiteIdentifier "Specifies the unique number used to identify each Cell Site within a locatio...
cellSiteLocationAreaCode "The location area code is a unique number of current location area of the ce...
cellSiteNetworkCode "This code identifies the mobile operator of the cell site
cellSiteType "Specifies the technology used by the Cell Site (e
certificatePolicies "Object identifiers (OIDS), comma separated"
characteristics "Specifies the flags that indicate the file’s characteristics
checksum "Specifies the checksum of the PE binary
clockSetting "The generalizedTime value on the mobile device when it was processed
clusterSize "The size of cluster allocation units in a file system
columnName "Identifier, Column name expressions"
comClassID "Specifies the ID of the COM action
comData "Specifies the data associated with the COM handler
compressionMethod "The algorithm used to compress the data
compressionRatio "The compressionRatio of the compressed data
contact "contact specifies information characterizing contact details for a single en...
contactAddress "contactAddress specifies information characterizing a geolocation address of...
contactAddressScope "contactAddressScope specifies the relevant scope (home, work, school, etc) f...
contactAffiliation "contactAffiliation specifies information characterizing details of an organi...
contactEmail "contactEmail specifies information characterizing details for contacting a c...
contactEmailScope "contactEmailScope specifies the relevant scope (home, work, school, etc) of ...
contactGroup "contactGroup specifies the name/tag of a particular named/tagged grouping of...
contactID "Specifies an ID for the contact
contactMessaging "contactMessaging specifies information characterizing details for contacting...
contactMessagingPlatform "A contactMessagingPlatform specifies a digital messaging platform associated...
contactNote "contactNote specifies a comment/note associated with a given contact
contactOrganization "The name of the organization a contact works for or is assocciated with
contactPhone "contactPhone specifies information characterizing details for contacting a c...
contactPhoneNumber "contactPhoneNumber specifies a telephone service account number for contacti...
contactPhoneScope "contactPhoneScope specifies the relevant scope (home, work, school, etc) of ...
contactProfile "contactProfile specifies information characterizing details for contacting a...
contactProfilePlatform "A contactProfile platform specifies an online service platform associated wi...
contactSIP "contactSIP specifies information characterizing details for contacting a con...
contactSIPScope "contactSIPScope specifies the relevant scope (home, work, school, etc) of de...
contactURL "contactURL specifies information characterizing details for contacting a con...
contactURLScope "contact url scope specifies the relevant scope (homepage, home, work, school...
contentRecoveredStatus "Specifies the recoverability status of the content of an object
controlCode "Specifies the actual controlCode that was sent to the observable object
cookieDomain "The domain for which the cookie is stored, for example nfi
cookieName "The name of the cookie
cookiePath "String representation of the path of the cookie
cpeid "Specifies the Common Platform Enumeration identifier for the software
cpu "Specifies the name of the CPU used by the system
cpuFamily "Specifies the name of the CPU family used by the system
creationDate "Specifies the date in which the registered domain was created
creator "Specifies the name of the creator of the registry key
creatorUser "The user that created/owns the process
currentSystemDate "Specifies the current date on the system
cyberAction "The action taken in response to the event
data Information arranged for automatic processing
destination "The destination of a global flag
destinationFlags "Specifies the destination TCP flags
destinationPort "Specifies the destinationPort used in the connection, as an integer in the r...
dhcpLeaseExpires "Specifies the date/time that the DHCP lease obtained on the networkInterface...
dhcpLeaseObtained "Specifies the date/time that the DHCP lease was obtained on the networkInter...
dhcpServer "Specifies the list of DHCP server IP Addresses used by the networkInterface
diskPartitionType "Specifies the type of partition being characterized
diskSize "The size of the disk, in bytes
diskType "The type of disk being characterized, e
displayName "Display name specifies the name to display for some entity within a user int...
dllCharacteristics "Specifies the flags that characterize the PE binary
dnssec "Specifies the DNSSEC property associated with a Whois entry
domain "The domain(s) that the system belongs to
domainID "Specifies the domain id for the domain associated with a Whois entry
domainName "Specifies the corresponding domainName for a Whois entry
driveLetter "Specifies the driveLetter of a windows volume
driveType "Specifies the driveType of a windows volume
dst "Specifies the destination(s) of the network connection
duration "The duration of the phone call in seconds
effectiveGroup "Specifies the name of the effectiveGroup used in the user session
effectiveGroupID "Specifies the effectiveGroupID of the group used in the user session
effectiveUser "Specifies the effectiveUser details used in the user session
elevation "The angle in degrees of the antenna from the local horizontal plane
emailAddress "An emailAddress
encoding "The encodingMethod used for the extracted string
englishTranslation "Specifies the English translation of the string, if it is not written in Eng...
entropy "Shannon entropy (a measure of randomness) of the data
entryID "A unique identifier for the file within the filesystem
environmentVariables "A list of environmentVariables associated with the process
ESN "Electronic Serial Number
eventRecordDevice "The device on which the log entry was generated
eventRecordID "The identifier of the event record
eventRecordRaw "The complete raw content of the event record
eventRecordServiceName "The service that generated the event record
eventRecordText "The textual representation of the event
eventStatus "The status of the event, for instance accepted, pending or cancelled
eventType "The type of the event, for example 'information', 'warning' or 'error'
execArguments "Specifies the arguments associated with the command-line operation launched ...
execProgramHashes "Specifies the hashes of the executable file launched by the action
execProgramPath "Specifies the path to the executable file launched by the action
execWorkingDirectory "Specifies the directory that contains either the executable file or the file...
exitCode "Specifies the last exitCode of the scheduled task
exitStatus "A small number passed from the process to the parent process when it has fin...
exitTime "The time at which the process exited
expirationDate "Specifies the date in which the registered domain will expire
expirationTime "The date and time at which the validity of the object expires
extDeletionTime "Specifies the time at which the file represented by an Inode was 'deleted'
extension "The fileName extension: everything after the last dot
extFileType "Specifies the EXT file type (FIFO, Directory, Regular file, Symbolic link, e...
extFlags "Specifies user flags to further protect (limit its use and modification) the...
extHardLinkCount "Specifies a count of how many hard links point to an Inode
extInodeChangeTime "The date and time at which the file Inode metadata was last modified
extInodeID "Specifies a single Inode identifier
extPermissions "Specifies the read/write/execute permissions for the file represented by an ...
extSGID "Specifies the group ID for the file represented by an Inode
extSUID "Specifies the user ID that 'owns' the file represented by an Inode
favoritesCount "Specifies the number of times that this profile has favorited a tweet"
fileAlignment "Specifies the factor (in bytes) that is used to align the raw data of sectio...
fileHeaderHashes "Specifies any hashes that were computed for the file header
fileName "Specifies the name associated with a file in a file system
filePath "Specifies the filePath for the location of a file within a filesystem
fileSystemType "The specific type of a file system
firstLoginTime "The date and time of the first login of the account
firstName "The firstName of a person
firstRun "Timestamp of when the prefetch application was firstRun
firstVisit "Specifies the date/time that the URL referred to by the URL field was first ...
flags "Specifies any flags that modify the behavior of the scheduled task
followersCount "Specifies the followersCount associated with the twitter profile"
format "The format of the audio
fragment "fragment pointing to a specific part in the resource
freeSpace "The amount of freeSpace on the disk, in bytes
friendsCount "Specifies the friendsCount associated with the twitter profile"
from "The phone number of the initiating party
fromURLVisit "Specifies the URL visit origination point (i
fullValue "The full stringValue of the URL
geoLocationAddress "An administrative address for a particular geolocation
globalFlagList "A list of global flags
gpu "Specifies the name of the GPU used by the system
gpuFamily "Specifies the name of the GPU family used by the system
hash "Hash values of the data
hashes "Specifies any hashes computed over the section
hexadecimalValue "The hexadecimalValue of a global flag
hiveType "The type of a registry hive
horizontalBeamWidth "The width of the antenna beam in degrees
host "Domain name or IP address where the resource is located
hostname "Specifies the hostname of the system
httpMessageBodyData "Specifies the data contained in an HTTP message body
httpMessageBodyLength "Specifies the length of an HTTP message body in bytes
httpRequestHeader "Specifies all of the HTTP header fields that may be found in the HTTP client...
ICCID "Integrated circuit card identifier (http://www
icmpCode "Specifies the ICMP code byte
icmpType "Specifies the ICMP type byte
iComHandlerAction "Specifies the data associated with the task action-fired COM handler
iEmailAction "Specifies an action that sends an e-mail, which in this context refers to ac...
iExecAction "Specifies an action that executes a command-line operation
imageBase "Specifies the address that is relative to the imageBase of the beginning-of-...
imageName "Specifies the imageName for the task
imageType "The type of the image, e
IMEI "International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)
impHash "Specifies the special import hash, or ‘imphash’, calculated for the PE B...
IMSI "An International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is a unique identificatio...
inetLocation "Specifies a location on the Internet"
inReplyTo "One of more unique identifiers for identifying the email(s) this email is a ...
installDate "Specifies the date the operating sytem or application was installed
installedVersionHistory "Specifies the history of installed application version(s)
interceptedCallState "State of the call in a call Detail Record (e
ip "Specifies the list of IP addresses used by the networkInterface
ipAddress "Specifies the corresponding ip address for a Whois entry
ipfix "Specifies any IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) data for the network traffi...
ipGateway "Specifies the list of IP Gateway IP Addresses used by the networkInterface
isActive "Indicates whether the network connection is still active
isADBRootEnabled "Root access through the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) daemon observed to be ena...
isDirectory "Specifies whether a file entry represents a directory
isDisabled "Is the digital account disabled?"
isEnabled "Specifies whether the trigger isEnabled
isHidden "The isHidden property specifies whether the process isHidden or not
iShowMessageAction "Specifies an action that shows a message box when a task is activated
isInjected "The isInjected property specifies whether or not the particular memory objec...
isLimitAdTrackingEnabled "Limits advertising tracking if enabled
isMapped "The isMapped property specifies whether or not the particular memory object ...
isPrivate "Is the event marked as private?"
isProtected "The isProtected property specifies whether or not the particular memory obje...
isSecure "Is the cookie secure? If the cookie isSecure it cannot be delivered over an ...
issuerHash "A hash calculated on the certificate Issuer name
isSURootEnabled "Root access through Linux SU binary observed to be enabled
isVolatile "The isVolatile property specifies whether or not the particular memory objec...
keypadUnlockCode "A code or password set on a device for security that must be entered to gain...
keywordSearchTerm "Specifies a string representing a keywordSearchTerm contained within the URL...
labels "Named and colored label
language "Specifies the language the string is written in, e
lastLoginTime "The date and time of the last login of the account
lastName "The lastName of a person
lastRun "Timestamp of when the prefetch application was lastRun
lastShutdownDate "Specifies the date on which the device was last shutdown
lastTimeContacted "Last time contacted specifies the date and time that a particular contact wa...
lastVisit "Specifies the date/time that the URL referred to by the URL field was lastVi...
length "Specifies the length, in characters, of the extracted string
libraryType "Specifies the type of library being characterized
listedCount "Specifies the number of public lists that this profile is associated with
loaderFlags "Specifies the reserved loaderFlags"
localTime "Specifies the localTime on the system
loginTime "Specifies the date/time of the login for the user session
logoutTime "Specifies the date/time of the logout for the user session
lookupDate "Specifies the date and time that the Whois record was queried
macAddress "Specifies the MAC or hardware address of the physical network card
machine "Specifies the type of target machine
magic "Specifies the value that indicates the type of the PE binary
majorImageVersion "Specifies the major version number of the image
majorLinkerVersion "Specifies the linker major version number
majorOSVersion "Specifies the major version number of the required operating system
majorSubsystemVersion "Specifies the major version number of the subsystem
manuallyEnteredCount "Specifies the number of times the URL referred to by the URL field was manua...
maxRunTime "Specifies the maximum run time of the scheduled task before terminating, in ...
messageID "An unique identifier for the message
messageText "The contents of the message
messageThreadOrderedItems "The contents of ordered items in the Thread linked by messageThread must be ...
messageThreadOriginItems "The contents of origin items in the Thread linked by messageThread must be M...
messageThreadTerminalItems "The contents of terminal items in the Thread linked by messageThread must be...
messageThreadUnorderedItems "The contents of unordered items in the Thread linked by messageThread must b...
messageType "messageType specifies what sort of message (email, chat, SMS, etc) a message...
messagingAddress "A messagingAddress specifies details of an identifier for digital messsaging...
metadataChangeTime "The date and time at which the file metadata was last modified
metadataRecoveredStatus "Specifies the recoverability status of the metadata of an object
mftFileID "Specifies the record number for the file within an NTFS Master file Table
mftFileNameAccessedTime "The access date and time recorded in an MFT entry $ file_Name attribute
mftFileNameCreatedTime "The creationDate and time recorded in an MFT entry $ file_Name attribute
mftFileNameLength " Specifies the length of an NTFS fileName, in unicode characters
mftFileNameModifiedTime "The modification date and time recorded in an MFT entry $ file_Name attribut...
mftFileNameRecordChangeTme "The metadata modification date and time recorded in an MFT entry $ file_Name...
mftFlags "Specifies basic permissions for the file (Read-Only, Hidden, Archive, Compre...
mftParentID "Specifies the record number within an NTFS Master file Table for parent dire...
mftRecordChangeTime "The date and time at which an NTFS file metadata was last modified
middleName "The middleName of a person
mimeType "MIME type of the data
minorImageVersion "Specifies the minor version number of the image
minorLinkerVersion "Specifies the linker minor version number
minorOSVersion "Specifies the minor version number of the required operating system
minorSubsystemVersion "Specifies the minor version number of the subsystem
mockLocationsAllowed "???
mostRecentRunTime "Specifies the most recent run date/time of this scheduled task
mountPoint "Specifies the mountPoint of the partition
MSISDN "Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (MSISDN) is a numbe...
MSISDNType "???
msProductID "The Microsoft Product ID
msProductName "The Microsoft ProductName of the current installation of Windows
mutexName "Specifies the name identifier for a specific instance of a mechanism that en...
namePhonetic "Name phonetic specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the name of a person
namePrefix "Name prefix specifies an honorific prefix (coming ordinally before first/giv...
nameRecoveredStatus "Specifies the recoverability status of the name of an object
nameServer "Specifies a list of nameServer entries for a Whois entry
nameSuffix "Name suffix specifies an suffix (coming ordinally after last/family name) fo...
netBIOSName "Specifies the NetBIOS (network Basic Input/Output System) name of the Windo...
network Network allowing computers to share resources and communicate with each other
networkInterface "Specifies the list of networkInterfaces present on the system
newObject "Specifies the observable object and its properties as they are after the sta...
nextRunTime "Specifies the next run date/time of the scheduled task
nickname "Nickname specifies an alternate, unofficial and typically informal name for ...
ntfsHardLinkCount "Specifies the number of directory entries that reference an NTFS file record
ntfsOwnerID "Specifies the identifier of the file owner, from the security index
ntfsOwnerSID "Specifies the security ID (key in the $SII Index and $SDS DataStream in the ...
numberOfRVAAndSizes "Specifies the number of data-directory entries in the remainder of the optio...
numberOfSections "Specifies the numberOfSections in the PE binary, as a non-negative integer
numberOfSymbols "Specifies the number of entries in the symbol table of the PE binary, as a n...
numberTimesContacted "Number times contacted specifies the number of times a particular contact ha...
observableCreatedTime "The date and time at which the observable object being characterized was cre...
obSize "Specifies the size of the section, in bytes
oldObject "Specifies the observable object and its properties as they were before the s...
openFileDescriptor "Specifies a listing of the current file descriptors used by the Unix process
optionalHeader "Specifies the PE optional header of the PE binary
options "Specifies any options used when mounting the volume
organizationDepartment "Specifies a particular suborganization (division, branch, office, etc
organizationLocation "Specifies a geolocation address of an organization
organizationPosition "Specifies the title or role that a person plays within an organization
osInstallDate "Specifies the date on which the operating system (OS) was installed
osLastUpgradeDate "Specifies the date on which the operating system (OS) was last upgraded
owner "Specifies the owner of an observable Object
pageTitle "Specifies the title of a web page
parameters "Specifies the command line parameters used to launch the scheduled task
parent "The process that created this process
partition "The partitions that reside on the disk
partitionID "Specifies the identifier of the partition, as provided by the containing par...
partitionLength "Specifies the length of the partition, in bytes
partitionOffset "Specifies the starting offset of the partition, in bytes
password "Specifies an authentication password
passwordLastChanged "The date and time that the password was last changed
passwordType "The type of password, for instance plain-text or encrypted
path "Specifies the location of one object within another containing object
pdfCreationDate "The PDF CreationDate property is defined in ISO 32000-1:2008 as 'The date an...
pdfModDate "The PDF ModDate property is defined in ISO 32000-1:2008 as 'The date and tim...
peType "Specifies the type of the PE binary
phoneActivationTime "The date and time that a device was activated
phoneNumber "A phoneNumber(account)
pictureType "The type of a picture, for example a thumbnail
pictureWidth "The width of the picture in pixels
pid "The process ID, or PID, of the process
PIN "Personal Identification Number (PIN)
pointerToSymbolTable "Specifies the file offset of the COFF symbol table
port "Port on which communication takes place
prefetchHash "An eight character hash of the location from which the application was run
priority "The priority of the email
processorArchitecture "Specifies the specific architecture (e
profile "A profile specifies a particular online service profile
profileAccount "Specifies the online service account associated with the profile"
profileBackgroundHash "Specifies hashes of the background associated with the profile"
profileBackgroundLocation "Specifies the network location of the background associated with the profile...
profileBannerHash "Specifies hashes of the banner associated with the profile"
profileBannerLocation "Specifies the network location of the banner associated with the profile"
profileCreated "Specifies the date and time the profile was created"
profileIdentity "Specifies the identity associated with the profile"
profileImageHash "Specifies hashes of the profile image associated with the profile"
profileImageLocation "Specifies the network location of the profile image associated with the prof...
profileIsProtected "Specifies whether the twitter profileIsProtected"
profileIsVerified "Specifies whether the twitter profileIsVerified"
profileLanguage "Specifies the language associated with the profile
profileService "Specifies the online service associated with the profile"
profileWebsite "Specifies the website URL associated with the profile"
properties "Specifies the properties that were enumerated as a result of the action on t...
propertyName "Specifies the Name of the property being read
protocols "Specifies the protocols involved in the network connection, along with their...
PUK "Personal Unlocking Key (PUK) to unlock the SIM card
query "Query passed to the resource
rangeOffset "The offset at which the start of data can be found, relative to the rangeOff...
rangeOffsetType "The type of offset defined for the range (e
rangeSize "The size of the data in bytes
receivedTime "The date and time at which the message received
recordFieldIsNull "Whether the specified database record field is null
recordFieldName "A field name of a database record value being identified
recordFieldValue "The field value of a specified database record
recordRowID "The unique ID that identifies a database record, supplied by the originating...
recurrence "Recurrence of the event
references "A list of email message identifiers this email relates to
referralURL "Specifies the corresponding referralURL for a registrar
referrerURL "Specifies the origination point (i
regionalInternetRegistry "specifies the name of the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) which allocated t...
regionEndAddress "The regionEndAddress property specifies the ending address of the particular...
regionSize "The regionSize property specifies the size of the particular memory region, ...
regionStartAddress """The regionStartAddress property specifies the starting address of the part...
registeredOrganization "The organization that this copy of Windows is registered to
registeredOwner "The person or organization that is the registeredOwner of this copy of Windo...
registrantContactInfo "Specifies contact info for the registrant of a domain within a WHOIS entity
registrantIDs "Specifies the registrantIDs associated with a domain lookup
registrarGUID "Specifies the Registrar GUID field of a Whois entry
registrarID "Specifies the Registrar ID field of a Whois entry
registrarInfo "Specifies registrarInfo that would be returned from a registrar lookup
registrarName "The name of the registrar organization
registryValues "The values that were enumerated as a result of the action on the object
remarks "Specifies any remarks associated with this Whois entry
requestMethod "Specifies the HTTP method portion of the HTTP request line, as a lowercase s...
requestValue "Specifies the value (typically a resource path) portion of the HTTP request ...
requestVersion "Specifies the HTTP version portion of the HTTP request line, as a lowercase ...
ruid "Specifies the real user ID, which represents the Unix user who created the p...
scheme "Identifies the type of URL
sectionAlignment "Specifies the alignment (in bytes) of PE sections when they are loaded into ...
sections "Specifies metadata about the sections in the PE file
sectorSize "The sectorSize of the volume in bytes
sentTime "The date and time at which the message sent
serverName "Specifies the corresponding serverName for a Whois entry
sessionID "An identifier for the session from which the message originates
showMessageBody "Specifies the messageText that is displayed in the body of the message box b...
showMessageTitle "Specifies the title of the message box shown by the action
signalStrength "The strength of the antenna signal
signature "A"
SIMForm "The form of SIM card such as SIM, Micro SIM, Nano SIM
SIMType "The type of SIM card such as SIM, USIM, UICC
sipAddress "A SIP address specifies Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) identifier
sizeInBytes "The size of the data in bytes
sizeOfCode "Specifies the size of the code (text) section
sizeOfHeaders "Specifies the combined size of the MS-DOS, PE header, and section headers, r...
sizeOfHeapCommit "Specifies the size of the local heap space to commit
sizeOfHeapReserve "Specifies the size of the local heap space to reserve
sizeOfImage "Specifies the size, in bytes, of the image, including all headers, as the im...
sizeOfInitializedData "Specifies the size of the initialized data section
sizeOfOptionalHeader "Specifies the size of the optionalHeader of the PE binary
sizeOfStackCommit "Specifies the size of the stack to commit
sizeOfStackReserve "Specifies the size of the stack to reserve
sizeOfUninitializedData "Specifies the size of the uninitialized data section
skew "The angle in degrees of the radial rotation around its main beam direction
sourceApplication "Source application specifies the software application that a particular cont...
sourceFlags "Specifies the source TCP flags
sourcePort "Specifies the sourcePort used in the connection, as an integer in the range ...
spaceLeft "Specifies the amount of spaceLeft on the partition, in bytes
spaceUsed "Specifies the amount of spaceUsed on the partition, in bytes
sponsoringRegistrar "Specifies the name of the sponsoringRegistrar for a domain
src "Specifies the source(s) of the network connection
ssid "network identifier
state the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time
status "Specifies a list of statuses for a given Whois entry
statusesCount "Specifies the number of tweets that this profile has issued"
storageCapacityInBytes "The number of bytes that can be stored on a SIM card
stringValue "Specifies the actual value of the extracted string
subject "The subject of the email
subjectHash "A hash calculated on the certificate subject name
subsystem "Specifies the subsystem (e
swid "Specifies the SWID tag for the software
symbolicName "The symbolicName of a global flag
tableName "The table containing a specified database record
tableSchema "The schema that contains the identified database record
targetFile "Specifies the file targeted by a symbolic link
taskComment "Specifies a comment for the scheduled task
taskCreator "Specifies the name of the creator of the scheduled task
thumbprintHash "A hash calculated on the entire certificate including signature
timeDateStamp "Specifies the time when the PE binary was created
timesExecuted "The number of times the prefetch application has executed
timezoneDST "Specifies the time zone used by the system, taking daylight savings time (DS...
timezoneStandard "Specifies the time zone used by the system, without taking daylight savings ...
to "The receiver's phone number
totalRam "Specifies the total amount of physical memory present on the system, in byte...
totalSpace "Specifies the total amount of space available on the partition, in bytes
triggerBeginTime "Specifies the date/time that the trigger is activated
triggerDelay "Specifies the delay that takes place between when the task is registered and...
triggerEndTime "Specifies the date/time that the trigger is deactivated
triggerFrequency "Specifies the frequency at which the trigger repeats
triggerList "Specifies a set of triggers used by the scheduled task
triggerMaxRunTime "The maximum amount of time that the task launched by the trigger is allowed ...
triggerSessionChangeType "Specifies the type of Terminal Server session change that would trigger a ta...
triggerType "Specifies the type of the task trigger
twitterHandle "Specifies the twitterHandle associated with the profile"
twitterId "Specifies the twitter id associated with the profile"
uninstallDate "Specifies the date the operating system or application was uninstalled
updatedDate "Specifies the date in which the registered domain information was last updat...
uptime "Specifies the duration that represents the current amount of time that the s...
url "Specifies a URL associated with a particular observable object or facet
urlHistoryEntry "Specifies a URL history record stored in the browser's history
urlTargeted "The target of the bookmark
urlTransitionType "Specifies how a browser navigated to a particular URL on a particular visit
userLocationString "Specifies the user-provided location string associated with the profile"
userName "Username used to authenticate to this resource
values "The values that were enumerated as a result of the action on the object
visitCount "Specifies the number of times a URL has been visited by a particular web bro...
visitDuration "Specifies the duration of a specific visit of a URL within a particular brow...
visitTime "Specifies the date/time of a specific visit of a URL within a particular bro...
volume "The volume from which the prefetch application was run
volumeID "The unique identifier of the volume
whoisContactType "Specifies what type of WHOIS contact this is
whoisServer "Specifies the corresponding Whois server for a registrar
win32VersionValue "Specifies the reserved win32VersionValue
windowsDirectory "The Windows_Directory field specifies the fully-qualified path to the Window...
windowsSystemDirectory "The Windows_System_Directory field specifies the fully-qualified path to the...
windowsTempDirectory "The Windows_Temp_Directory field specifies the fully-qualified path to the W...
windowsVolumeAttributes "Specifies the attributes of a windows volume
wirelessNetworkSecurityMode "Specifies the security mode of a wireless network (None, WEP, WPA, etc)
workingDirectory 'Specifies the workingDirectory for the scheduled task
workItemData "Specifies application defined data associated with the scheduled task


Enumeration Description
NetworkSocketAddressFamilyEnum From https://www
NetworkSocketProtocolFamilyEnum From https://www
NetworkSocketTypeEnum From https://www


Type Description
ByteType unit of digital information equal to 8 bits
PositiveIntegerType integer greater than zero; natural number explicitly excluding zero
UnsignedIntegerType integer data type which represents non-negative numbers
UnsignedShortType data type for positive integers that can be represented with 16 bits


Subset Description
Android Android OS technology
Linux Linux OS technology
Microsoft Microsoft Corp technologies