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Class: Facet

A facet is a grouping of characteristics singularly unique to a particular inherent aspect of a UCO domain object.

URI: master:Facet

classDiagram class Facet UcoInherentCharacterizationThing <|-- Facet Facet <|-- ConfidenceFacet Facet <|-- BuildFacet Facet <|-- IdentityFacet Facet <|-- GPSCoordinatesFacet Facet <|-- LatLongCoordinatesFacet Facet <|-- SimpleAddressFacet Facet <|-- AccountAuthenticationFacet Facet <|-- AccountFacet Facet <|-- AlternateDataStreamFacet Facet <|-- AndroidDeviceFacet Facet <|-- AntennaFacet Facet <|-- ApplicationAccountFacet Facet <|-- ApplicationFacet Facet <|-- ArchiveFileFacet Facet <|-- AudioFacet Facet <|-- AutonomousSystemFacet Facet <|-- BrowserBookmarkFacet Facet <|-- BrowserCookieFacet Facet <|-- CalendarEntryFacet Facet <|-- CalendarFacet Facet <|-- CallFacet Facet <|-- CapturedTelecommunicationsInformationFacet Facet <|-- CellSiteFacet Facet <|-- CompressedStreamFacet Facet <|-- ComputerSpecificationFacet Facet <|-- ContactFacet Facet <|-- ContactListFacet Facet <|-- ContentDataFacet Facet <|-- DataRangeFacet Facet <|-- DefinedEffectFacet Facet <|-- DeviceFacet Facet <|-- DigitalAccountFacet Facet <|-- DigitalAddressFacet Facet <|-- DigitalSignatureInfoFacet Facet <|-- DiskFacet Facet <|-- DiskPartitionFacet Facet <|-- DomainNameFacet Facet <|-- EXIFFacet Facet <|-- EmailAccountFacet Facet <|-- EmailMessageFacet Facet <|-- EncodedStreamFacet Facet <|-- EncryptedStreamFacet Facet <|-- EventRecordFacet Facet <|-- ExtInodeFacet Facet <|-- ExtractedStringsFacet Facet <|-- FileFacet Facet <|-- FilePermissionsFacet Facet <|-- FileSystemFacet Facet <|-- FragmentFacet Facet <|-- GeoLocationEntryFacet Facet <|-- GeoLocationLogFacet Facet <|-- GeoLocationTrackFacet Facet <|-- HTTPConnectionFacet Facet <|-- ICMPConnectionFacet Facet <|-- ImageFacet Facet <|-- LibraryFacet Facet <|-- MemoryFacet Facet <|-- MessageFacet Facet <|-- MessageThreadFacet Facet <|-- MftRecordFacet Facet <|-- MobileAccountFacet Facet <|-- MobileDeviceFacet Facet <|-- MutexFacet Facet <|-- NTFSFileFacet Facet <|-- NTFSFilePermissionsFacet Facet <|-- NetworkConnectionFacet Facet <|-- NetworkFlowFacet Facet <|-- NetworkInterfaceFacet Facet <|-- NoteFacet Facet <|-- OnlineServiceFacet Facet <|-- OperatingSystemFacet Facet <|-- PDFFileFacet Facet <|-- PathRelationFacet Facet <|-- PhoneAccountFacet Facet <|-- ProcessFacet Facet <|-- ProfileFacet Facet <|-- PropertiesEnumeratedEffectFacet Facet <|-- RasterPictureFacet Facet <|-- RecoveredObjectFacet Facet <|-- SIMCardFacet Facet <|-- SMSMessageFacet Facet <|-- SQLiteBlobFacet Facet <|-- SoftwareFacet Facet <|-- SymbolicLinkFacet Facet <|-- TCPConnectionFacet Facet <|-- TableFieldFacet Facet <|-- TwitterProfileFacet Facet <|-- UNIXAccountFacet Facet <|-- UNIXFilePermissionsFacet Facet <|-- UNIXProcessFacet Facet <|-- UNIXVolumeFacet Facet <|-- URLFacet Facet <|-- URLHistoryFacet Facet <|-- URLVisitFacet Facet <|-- UserAccountFacet Facet <|-- UserSessionFacet Facet <|-- VolumeFacet Facet <|-- WhoisFacet Facet <|-- WindowsAccountFacet Facet <|-- WindowsActiveDirectoryAccountFacet Facet <|-- WindowsComputerSpecificationFacet Facet <|-- WindowsPEBinaryFileFacet Facet <|-- WindowsPrefetchFacet Facet <|-- WindowsProcessFacet Facet <|-- WindowsRegistryHiveFacet Facet <|-- WindowsRegistrykeyFacet Facet <|-- WindowsServiceFacet Facet <|-- WindowsTaskFacet Facet <|-- WindowsThreadFacet Facet <|-- WindowsVolumeFacet Facet <|-- WirelessNetworkConnectionFacet Facet <|-- X509CertificateFacet Facet <|-- X509V3ExtensionsFacet Facet <|-- ActionArgumentFacet Facet <|-- ActionEstimationFacet Facet <|-- ActionFrequencyFacet Facet <|-- AnalyticResultFacet



Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
PropertiesEnumeratedEffectFacet "A properties enumerated effect facet is a grouping of characteristics unique...


used by used in type used
Victim hasFacet domain Facet
VictimTargeting hasFacet domain Facet
BenevolentRole hasFacet domain Facet
MaliciousRole hasFacet domain Facet
NeutralRole hasFacet domain Facet
Role hasFacet domain Facet
Annotation hasFacet domain Facet
Assertion hasFacet domain Facet
AttributedName hasFacet domain Facet
Bundle hasFacet domain Facet
Compilation hasFacet domain Facet
ContextualCompilation hasFacet domain Facet
ControlledVocabulary hasFacet domain Facet
EnclosingCompilation hasFacet domain Facet
Grouping hasFacet domain Facet
IdentityAbstraction hasFacet domain Facet
Item hasFacet domain Facet
MarkingDefinitionAbstraction hasFacet domain Facet
ModusOperandi hasFacet domain Facet
Relationship hasFacet domain Facet
UcoObject hasFacet domain Facet
AnalyticTool hasFacet domain Facet
ConfiguredTool hasFacet domain Facet
DefensiveTool hasFacet domain Facet
MaliciousTool hasFacet domain Facet
Tool hasFacet domain Facet
Identity hasFacet domain Facet
Organization hasFacet domain Facet
Person hasFacet domain Facet
Location hasFacet domain Facet
Configuration hasFacet domain Facet
LogicalPattern hasFacet domain Facet
Pattern hasFacet domain Facet
API hasFacet domain Facet
ARPCache hasFacet domain Facet
ARPCacheEntry hasFacet domain Facet
Account hasFacet domain Facet
Adaptor hasFacet domain Facet
Address hasFacet domain Facet
AlternateDataStream hasFacet domain Facet
AndroidDevice hasFacet domain Facet
AndroidPhone hasFacet domain Facet
AppleDevice hasFacet domain Facet
Appliance hasFacet domain Facet
Application hasFacet domain Facet
ApplicationAccount hasFacet domain Facet
ArchiveFile hasFacet domain Facet
Audio hasFacet domain Facet
AutonomousSystem hasFacet domain Facet
BlackBerryPhone hasFacet domain Facet
BlockDeviceNode hasFacet domain Facet
BluetoothAddress hasFacet domain Facet
BotConfiguration hasFacet domain Facet
BrowserBookmark hasFacet domain Facet
BrowserCookie hasFacet domain Facet
Calendar hasFacet domain Facet
CalendarEntry hasFacet domain Facet
Call hasFacet domain Facet
CapturedTelecommunicationsInformation hasFacet domain Facet
CellSite hasFacet domain Facet
CharacterDeviceNode hasFacet domain Facet
Code hasFacet domain Facet
Computer hasFacet domain Facet
ComputerSpecification hasFacet domain Facet
ConfiguredSoftware hasFacet domain Facet
Contact hasFacet domain Facet
ContactList hasFacet domain Facet
ContentData hasFacet domain Facet
CookieHistory hasFacet domain Facet
Credential hasFacet domain Facet
CredentialDump hasFacet domain Facet
DNSCache hasFacet domain Facet
DNSRecord hasFacet domain Facet
Device hasFacet domain Facet
DigitalAccount hasFacet domain Facet
DigitalAddress hasFacet domain Facet
DigitalCamera hasFacet domain Facet
DigitalSignatureInfo hasFacet domain Facet
Directory hasFacet domain Facet
Disk hasFacet domain Facet
DiskPartition hasFacet domain Facet
DomainName hasFacet domain Facet
Drone hasFacet domain Facet
EmailAccount hasFacet domain Facet
EmailAddress hasFacet domain Facet
EmailMessage hasFacet domain Facet
EmbeddedDevice hasFacet domain Facet
EventLog hasFacet domain Facet
EventRecord hasFacet domain Facet
File hasFacet domain Facet
FileSystem hasFacet domain Facet
FileSystemObject hasFacet domain Facet
ForumPost hasFacet domain Facet
ForumPrivateMessage hasFacet domain Facet
GUI hasFacet domain Facet
GamingConsole hasFacet domain Facet
GenericObservableObject hasFacet domain Facet
GeoLocationEntry hasFacet domain Facet
GeoLocationLog hasFacet domain Facet
GeoLocationTrack hasFacet domain Facet
HTTPConnection hasFacet domain Facet
Hostname hasFacet domain Facet
ICMPConnection hasFacet domain Facet
IPAddress hasFacet domain Facet
IPNetmask hasFacet domain Facet
IPhone hasFacet domain Facet
IPv4Address hasFacet domain Facet
IPv6Address hasFacet domain Facet
Image hasFacet domain Facet
InstantMessagingAddress hasFacet domain Facet
Junction hasFacet domain Facet
Laptop hasFacet domain Facet
Library hasFacet domain Facet
MACAddress hasFacet domain Facet
Memory hasFacet domain Facet
Message hasFacet domain Facet
MobileAccount hasFacet domain Facet
MobileDevice hasFacet domain Facet
MobilePhone hasFacet domain Facet
Mutex hasFacet domain Facet
NTFSFile hasFacet domain Facet
NamedPipe hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkAppliance hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkConnection hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkFlow hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkInterface hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkProtocol hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkRoute hasFacet domain Facet
NetworkSubnet hasFacet domain Facet
Note hasFacet domain Facet
Observable hasFacet domain Facet
ObservableAction hasFacet domain Facet
ObservableObject hasFacet domain Facet
ObservablePattern hasFacet domain Facet
ObservableRelationship hasFacet domain Facet
Observation hasFacet domain Facet
OnlineService hasFacet domain Facet
OperatingSystem hasFacet domain Facet
PDFFile hasFacet domain Facet
PaymentCard hasFacet domain Facet
PhoneAccount hasFacet domain Facet
Pipe hasFacet domain Facet
Post hasFacet domain Facet
Process hasFacet domain Facet
ProcessThread hasFacet domain Facet
Profile hasFacet domain Facet
ProtocolConverter hasFacet domain Facet
RasterPicture hasFacet domain Facet
RecoveredObject hasFacet domain Facet
ReparsePoint hasFacet domain Facet
SIMCard hasFacet domain Facet
SIPAaddress hasFacet domain Facet
SMSMessage hasFacet domain Facet
SQLiteBlob hasFacet domain Facet
SecurityAppliance hasFacet domain Facet
Semaphore hasFacet domain Facet
Server hasFacet domain Facet
ShopListing hasFacet domain Facet
SmartDevice hasFacet domain Facet
SmartPhone hasFacet domain Facet
Snapshot hasFacet domain Facet
Socket hasFacet domain Facet
SocketAddress hasFacet domain Facet
Software hasFacet domain Facet
StorageMedium hasFacet domain Facet
SymbolicLink hasFacet domain Facet
TCPConnection hasFacet domain Facet
TableField hasFacet domain Facet
Tablet hasFacet domain Facet
Tweet hasFacet domain Facet
UNIXAccount hasFacet domain Facet
UNIXFile hasFacet domain Facet
UNIXProcess hasFacet domain Facet
URL hasFacet domain Facet
URLHistory hasFacet domain Facet
URLVisit hasFacet domain Facet
UserAccount hasFacet domain Facet
UserSession hasFacet domain Facet
Volume hasFacet domain Facet
WearableDevice hasFacet domain Facet
WebPage hasFacet domain Facet
Whois hasFacet domain Facet
WifiAddress hasFacet domain Facet
Wiki hasFacet domain Facet
WikiArticle hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsAccount hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsActiveDirectoryAccount hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsComputerSpecification hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsCriticalSection hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsEvent hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsFileMapping hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsHandle hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsHook hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsMailSlot hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsNetworkShare hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsPEBinaryFile hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsPrefetch hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsProcess hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsRegistryHive hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsRegistryKey hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsService hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsSystemRestore hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsTask hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsThread hasFacet domain Facet
WindowsWaitableTime hasFacet domain Facet
WirelessNetworkConnection hasFacet domain Facet
WriteBlocker hasFacet domain Facet
X509Certificate hasFacet domain Facet
X509V3Certificate hasFacet domain Facet
Action hasFacet domain Facet
ActionLifecycle hasFacet domain Facet
ActionPattern hasFacet domain Facet
MarkingDefinition hasFacet domain Facet
Analysis hasFacet domain Facet
AnalyticResult hasFacet domain Facet

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self master:Facet
native master:Facet
narrow wikidata:Q5428522

LinkML Source


name: Facet
description: A facet is a grouping of characteristics singularly unique to a particular
  inherent aspect of a UCO domain object.
- wikidata:Q5428522
rank: 1000
is_a: UcoInherentCharacterizationThing
mixin: true


name: Facet
description: A facet is a grouping of characteristics singularly unique to a particular
  inherent aspect of a UCO domain object.
- wikidata:Q5428522
rank: 1000
is_a: UcoInherentCharacterizationThing
mixin: true