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Slot: contentSelectors

"Explicit specification of exactly which portions of a UCO object to apply MarkingDefinitions to. Specific syntax for how to specify the UCO object portions is dependent on the particular syntactic serialization implementation (XML, JSON, etc.) of UCO and MUST be explicitly specified in a separate binding specification for that syntactic serialization implementation (e.g. a UCO XML Binding Specification)."

URI: marking:contentSelectors

Applicable Classes

Name Description
GranularMarking A granular marking is a grouping of characteristics unique to specification o...


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: contentSelectors
description: '"Explicit specification of exactly which portions of a UCO object to
  apply MarkingDefinitions to.  Specific syntax for how to specify the UCO object
  portions is dependent on the particular syntactic serialization implementation (XML,
  JSON, etc.) of UCO and MUST be explicitly specified in a separate binding specification
  for that syntactic serialization implementation (e.g. a UCO XML Binding Specification)."'
rank: 1000
alias: contentSelectors
- GranularMarking
range: string