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UCO Core

This ontology defines classes and properties that are shared across the various UCO ontologies. At a high-level, the UCO core ontology provides base classes, relationship-oriented classes, content-aggregation classes, and shared classes.

URI: Name: uco-core


Class Description
Annotation An annotation is an assertion made in relation to one or more objects
Assertion An assertion is a statement declared to be true
AttributedName An attributed name is a name of an entity issued by some attributed naming au...
Bundle A bundle is a container for a grouping of UCO content with no presumption of ...
Compilation A compilation is a grouping of things
ConfidenceFacet A confidence is a grouping of characteristics unique to an asserted level of ...
ContextualCompilation A contextual compilation is a grouping of things sharing some context (e
ControlledVocabulary A controlled vocabulary is an explicitly constrained set of string values
EnclosingCompilation An enclosing compilation is a container for a grouping of things
ExternalReference Characteristics of a reference to a resource outside of the UCO
Facet A facet is a grouping of characteristics singularly unique to a particular in...
Grouping A grouping is a compilation of referenced UCO content with a shared context
IdentityAbstraction An identity abstraction is a grouping of identifying characteristics unique t...
Item An item is a distinct article or unit
MarkingDefinitionAbstraction A marking definition abstraction is a grouping of characteristics unique to t...
ModusOperandi A modus operandi is a particular method of operation (how a particular entity...
Relationship A relationship is a grouping of characteristics unique to an assertion that o...
UcoInherentCharacterizationThing A UCO inherent characterization thing is a grouping of characteristics unique...
UcoObject A UCO object is a representation of a fundamental concept either directly inh...
UcoThing UcoThing is the top-level class within UCO


Slot Description
confidence An asserted level of certainty in the accuracy of some information
constrainingVocabularyName The name of an explicitly constrained set of string values
constrainingVocabularyReference A reference to a specification for an explicitly constrained set of string va...
context A description of particular contextual affinity
createdBy The identity that created a characterization of a concept
definingContext A description of the context relevant to the definition of a particular exter...
description A human-readable description of an entity
endTime The ending time of a time range
externalIdentifier An identifier for some information defined external to the UCO context
externalReference Specifies a reference to a resource outside of the UCO
hasFacet Further sets of properties characterizing a concept based on the particular c...
isDirectional A specification whether or not a relationship assertion is limited to the con...
kindOfRelationship A characterization of the nature of a relationship between objects
modifiedTime Specifies the time that this particular version of the object was modified
name The name of a particular concept characterization
namingAuthority Specifies the naming authority that issued the name of the entity
object Specifies one or more UcoObjects
objectCreatedTime The time at which a characterization of a concept is created
objectMarking Marking definitions to be applied to a particular concept characterization in...
referenceURL A URL for some information defined external to the UCO context
source The originating node of a specified relationship
specVersion The version of UCO ontology or subontology specification used to characterize...
startTime The initial time of a time range
statement A textual statement of an assertion
tag A generic tag/label
target The terminating node of a specified relationship
value A string value


Enumeration Description


Type Description
BooleanType A boolean value
HexBinaryType "Represents arbitrary hex-encoded binary data"
IriType A IRI
LiteralType Literals are used for values such as strings, numbers, and dates
NonNegativeIntegerType real number strictly greater than zero
StatementType "meaningful declarative sentence that is either true or false, or that which ...
StringType A string


Subset Description