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UCO Configuration

This ontology defines classes and properties for characterizing configurations.

URI: Name: uco-configuration


Class Description
Configuration A configuration is a grouping of characteristics unique to a set of parameter...
ConfigurationEntry A configuration entry is a grouping of characteristics unique to a particular...
Dependency A dependency is a grouping of characteristics unique to something that a tool...


Slot Description
configurationEntry A single configuration setting entry item for a tool or other software
dependencies The relevant configuration dependencies for a tool, application, software, or...
dependencyDescription A description of a tool or other software dependency
dependencyType The type of a tool or other software dependency
isConfigurationOf The object which has been configured to run in a more specified manner than a...
itemDescription A description of a configuration setting entry item
itemName The name of a configuration setting entry item
itemObject The structured value of a configuration setting entry instance
itemType The type of a configuration setting entry item
itemValue The value of a configuration setting entry instance
usageContextAssumptions Description of the various relevant usage context assumptions for a tool or o...
usesConfiguration A configuration used by an object


Enumeration Description


Type Description


Subset Description