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Slot: xref

Alternate CURIEs for a thing

URI: generic:xref


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
NamedThing a databased entity or concept/class no
Publication Any published piece of information no
Attribute A property or characteristic of an entity no
ControlRole A role played by the entity or part thereof within a control context no
BiologicalSex Status as female, male, or intersex depending on their chromosomes, reproduct... no
SeverityValue describes the severity of a observable feature or fault no
Designation representation for someone or something by a sign that denotes it no
Name distinctive designation for an individual (person, organization or thing) no
Identifier Sequence of characters uniquely identifying that with which it is associated no
Event Something that happens at a given place and time no
AdministrativeEntity Entity responsible for managing the affairs of an organization no
Agent person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of information (... no
Project collaborative enterprise, frequently involving research or design, that is ca... no
InformationContentEntity a piece of information that typically describes some topic of discourse or is... no
Specification A detailed description of criteria for a piece of work no
Dataset an item that refers to a collection of data from a data source no
DatasetDistribution an item that holds distribution level information about a dataset no
DatasetVersion an item that holds version level information about a dataset no
DatasetSummary an item that holds summary level information about a dataset no
EvidenceType Class of evidence that supports an association no
InformationResource A database or knowledgebase and its supporting ecosystem of interfaces and se... no
OpenAccess Free distribution of knowledge no
Book This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledg... no
BookChapter no
Serial This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledg... no
Article A written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, form... no
Phenomenon a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose... no
Device A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mecha... no
SoftwareOrDevice Either software or hardware no
Software A set of instructions in a computer programming language that can be executed... no
Hardware physical components of a computer no
PlanetaryEntity Any entity or process that exists at the level of the whole planet no
GeographicLocation a location that can be described in lat/long coordinates no
System An entity that intends to perform some functions, interacting with other syst... no
OperationalEntity A operational entity is a control entity no
IndividualSystem An instance of an system no
SystemAttribute describes a characteristic of an SystemEntity no
Environment Part of the universe outside the boundaries of a given system, interacting wi... no
Component The component is the smallest system entity that can be deployed, isolated, a... no
Message discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some... no
Rule prescription, including laws, regulations, instructions, guidelines, and soci... no
Instruction message intended to convey a course of action for the audience to follow no
Law system of rules and guidelines, generally backed by governmental authority no
Regulation general term for rules or controls, including delegated legislation and self-... no
Governance all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market... no
Boundary dividing line between two areas or sets of points in a topological space; dif... no
Knowledge A set of knowledge or reproducible skills acquired through study or experienc... no



  • dbxref
  • Dbxref
  • DbXref

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: xref
description: Alternate CURIEs for a thing
- dbxref
- Dbxref
- DbXref
- WIKIDATA:Q1302249
- dwc:identificationReferences
- gr:relatedWebService
- NCIT:hasDbXref
- uco:ExternalReference
rank: 1000
is_a: node property
domain: NamedThing
multivalued: true
alias: xref
- NamedThing
- Publication
range: uriorcurie