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The Collections Ontology (CO) in Linkml

URI: Name: collections


Class Description
Bag Collection that can have a number of copies of each object
CoItem Element belonging to a bag
Collection A group of objects that can be considered as a whole
List An ordered array of items, that can be present in multiple copies
ListItem element belonging to a list
Set A collection that cannot contain duplicate elements


Slot Description
_index A number identifying the position, starting from 1, of a particular list item...
element The link to the members of a collection
elementOf The link to a collection in which the object is member
firstItem The link to the first item of the list
firstItemOf The link to a list in which the item is first item
followedBy The link to the following item in a list
item The link to every item of the bag
itemContent The link to the actual resource to which the item refers
itemContentOf The link to the item that refers to the resource
itemOf The link to a bag in which the item is member
lastItem The link to the last item of the list
lastItemOf The link to a list in which the item is last item
nextItem The link to the next item in a list
precededBy The link to the preceding item in a list
previousItem The link to the previous item in a list
size The number of item belonging to a collection


Enumeration Description


Type Description
PositiveInteger integer greater than zero; natural number explicitly excluding zero


Subset Description