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Entity and association taxonomy and datamodel for named thing abstractions.

URI: Name: base


Class Description
Activity An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or w...
ActivityAndBehavior Activity or behavior of any independent integral healthy, organization or mec...
AdministrativeOperation A event intended for use in the operational administration, mitigation, repai...
AdministrativeOperationExposure An intake of a particular administrative operation
AdministrativeOperationToClassAssociation An interaction between a administrative operation and a class or subclasses
AdministrativeOperationToEntityAssociationMixin An interaction between a administrative operation and another entity
Agent person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of information (...
Annotation Baselink Model root class for entity annotations
AssemblyComplex A stable assembly of two or more assemblies, i
AssemblyMixin The functional group of a single named thing locus
AssemblyToComponentAssociation A functional association between a assembly (class, subclasses or complex) an...
AssemblyToComputationalProcessAssociation A functional association between a assembly (class, subclasses or complex) an...
AssemblyToEntityAssociationMixin an association which has a assembly mixin mixin as a subject
AssemblyToOperationalActivityAssociation A functional association between a assembly (class, subclasses or complex) an...
Association A typed association between two entities, supported by evidence
Attribute A property or characteristic of an entity
BehaviorToBehavioralFeatureAssociation An association between an aggregate behavior and a behavioral feature manifes...
BehavioralExposure A behavioral exposure is a factor relating to behavior impacting an individua...
BehavioralFeature A observable feature which is behavioral in nature
BehavioralOutcome An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of som...
Book This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledg...
Case An individual instance of a particular situation; an example of something occ...
CaseToEntityAssociationMixin An abstract association for use where the case is the subject
CaseToObservableFeatureAssociation An association between a case (e
ChiSquaredAnalysisResult A result of a chi squared analysis
Class collection of items in an ontology sharing common characteristics
ClassGroupingMixin any grouping of multiple classes or subclasses
ClassOrSubclasses A union of class or subclasses
ClassToClassAssociation abstract parent class for different kinds of class-class or subclasses to sub...
ClassToExpressionSiteAssociation An association between a class and an expression site, possibly qualified by ...
ClassToPathwayAssociation An interaction between a class or subclasses and a computational process or p...
Cohort A group of people banded together or treated as a group who share common char...
CommonDataElement A Common Data Element (CDE) is a standardized, precisely defined question, pa...
ComplexOperationalMixture A complex operational mixture is a control mixture composed of two or more op...
Component The component is the smallest system entity that can be deployed, isolated, a...
ComponentType A component type defines the set of components running the same software and ...
ComponentTypeToEntityAssociationMixin An relationship between a component type and another entity
ComputationalProcess One or more causally connected executions of operational functions
ComputationalProcessOrActivity Either an individual operational activity, or a collection of causally connec...
ConfidenceLevel Level of confidence in a statement
ContributorAssociation Any association between an entity (such as a publication) and various agents ...
ControlEntity A control entity is a entity that pertains to control or orchestration
ControlEntityOrClassOrSubclasses A union of control entities and subclasses, and class or subclasses
ControlEntityOrSystemOperation A union of control entities and subclasses, and system operation
ControlEntityToEntityAssociationMixin An interaction between a control entity and another entity
ControlExposure A control exposure is an intake of a particular control entity
ControlMixture A control mixture is a control entity composed of two or more operational ent...
ControlRole A role played by the entity or part thereof within a control context
ControlToControlAssociation A relationship between two control entities
ControlToEntityAssociationMixin An interaction between a control entity and another entity
ControlToFaultOrObservableFeatureAssociation An interaction between a control entity and a observable feature or fault, wh...
ControlToPathwayAssociation An interaction between a control entity and a computational process or pathwa...
Dataset an item that refers to a collection of data from a data source
DatasetDistribution an item that holds distribution level information about a dataset
DatasetSummary an item that holds summary level information about a dataset
DatasetVersion an item that holds version level information about a dataset
DeploymentEntity A process location, or gross deployment part
Device A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mecha...
EmpiricalAttribute Attributes relating to a empirical manifestation
EmpiricalCourse The course an entity typically takes from its onset, progression in time, and...
EmpiricalEntity Any entity or process that exists in the empirical domain and outside the com...
EmpiricalFinding this category is currently considered broad enough to tag empirical lab measu...
EmpiricalMeasurement A empirical measurement is a special kind of attribute which results from a q...
EmpiricalModifier Used to characterize and specify the observable changes with respect to sever...
Entity Root Baselink Model class for all things and informational relationships, rea...
EntityToExposureEventAssociationMixin An association between some entity and an exposure event
EntityToFaultAssociationMixin mixin class for any association whose object (target node) is a fault
EntityToFeatureOrFaultQualifiersMixin Qualifiers for entity to fault or observable feature associations
EntityToOutcomeAssociationMixin An association between some entity and an outcome
EnvironmentalExposure A environmental exposure is a factor relating to abiotic processes in the env...
EpidemiologicalOutcome An epidemiological outcome, such as societal fault burden, resulting from an ...
Event Something that happens at a given place and time
EvidenceType Class of evidence that supports an association
ExposureEvent A (possibly time bounded) incidence of a feature of the environment of an sys...
ExposureEventToObservableFeatureAssociation Any association between an environment and a observable feature, where being ...
ExposureEventToOutcomeAssociation An association between an exposure event and an outcome
Fault A disorder of structure or function, especially one that produces specific si...
FaultOrObservableFeature Either one of a fault or an individual observable feature
FaultOrObservableFeatureExposure A fault or observable feature state, when viewed as an exposure, represents a...
FaultOrObservableFeatureOutcome logical outcomes resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation ...
FaultOrObservableFeatureToLocationAssociation An association between either a fault or a observable feature and an named th...
FaultToExposureEventAssociation An association between an exposure event and a fault
FaultToObservableFeatureAssociation An association between a fault and a observable feature in which the observab...
FaultyDeploymentExposure An abnormal deployment structure, when viewed as an exposure, representing an...
FaultyDeploymentOutcome An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of an ...
FaultyDeploymentStructure An deployment structure with the potential of have an abnormal or deleterious...
FaultyEntityMixin A faulty (abnormal) structure or process
FaultyProcess A computational function or a process having an abnormal or deleterious effec...
FaultyProcessExposure A faulty process, when viewed as an exposure, representing a precondition, le...
FaultyProcessOutcome An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the manifestation of a f...
FrequencyQualifierMixin Qualifier for frequency type associations
FunctionalAssociation An association between a assembly mixin (class, subclasses, or complex of sub...
GeographicExposure A geographic exposure is a factor relating to geographic proximity to some im...
GeographicLocation a location that can be described in lat/long coordinates
GeographicLocationAtTime a location that can be described in lat/long coordinates, for a particular ti...
Homogeneity the quality or state of being all the same or all of the same kind
IndividualSystem An instance of an system
InformationContentEntity a piece of information that typically describes some topic of discourse or is...
InformationContentEntityToNamedThingAssociation association between a named thing and a information content entity where the ...
InformationResource A database or knowledgebase and its supporting ecosystem of interfaces and se...
Inheritance The pattern or 'mode' in which a particular acquired trait or disorder is pas...
LifecycleStage A stage of development or growth of a system
MaterialSample A sample is a limited quantity of something (e
NamedThing a databased entity or concept/class
NamedThing A generic grouping for any identifiable entity
ObservableFeature A combination of entity and quality that makes up a observation statement
ObservableQuality A property of a observable
Occurrent A processual entity that has temporal parts and happens, unfolds or develops ...
OfflineMaintenanceOutcome An outcome resulting from an exposure event which is the increased manifestat...
Onset The beginning or start in which manifestations appear
OntologyClass a concept or class in an ontology, vocabulary or thesaurus
OperationalActivity An execution of a operational function carried out by a subclasses or assembl...
OperationalActivityToPathwayAssociation Association that holds the relationship between a operational activity and th...
OperationalEntity A operational entity is a control entity composed of individual or bonded ele...
OperationalMixture A operational mixture is a control mixture composed of two or more operationa...
Outcome An entity that has the role of being the consequence of an exposure event
Person Represents a Person
PersonCollection A holder for Person objects
Phenomenon a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose...
PhysicalEntity An entity that has material reality (a
PlanetaryEntity Any entity or process that exists at the level of the whole planet
PopulationOfIndividualSystems A collection of individuals from the same taxonomic class distinguished by on...
PopulationToPopulationAssociation An association between a two populations
Procedure A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner
ProcessedMaterial A control entity (often a mixture) processed for some use
Publication Any published piece of information
QuantityValue A value of an attribute that is quantitative and measurable, expressed as a c...
RedundancyEntity A redundancy entity is a operational entity
RelationshipType An OWL property used as an edge label
Replica The unit of service workload the component is capable of providing or protect...
Restoration A restoration is targeted at a fault or observable feature and may involve mu...
Serial This class may rarely be instantiated except if use cases of a given knowledg...
ServiceType An information content entity that describes a workload by specifying the tot...
ServiceTypeToClassAssociation Any association between a service type and a class
ServiceTypeToObservableFeatureAssociation Any association between one service type and a observable feature, where havi...
ServiceTypeToServiceTypePartAssociation Any association between one service type and a service type entity that is a ...
SeverityValue describes the severity of a observable feature or fault
SocioeconomicAttribute Attributes relating to a socioeconomic manifestation
SocioeconomicExposure A socioeconomic exposure is a factor relating to social and financial status ...
SocioeconomicOutcome An general social or economic outcome, such as healthcare costs, utilization,...
Study a detailed investigation and/or analysis
StudyPopulation A group of individuals banded together as a group as participants in a resear...
StudyResult A collection of data items from a study that are about a particular study sub...
StudyVariable a variable that is used as a measure in the investigation of a study
SubclassesMixin The functional operational product of a single class
SubjectOfInvestigation An entity that has the role of being studied in an investigation, study, or e...
SystemAttribute describes a characteristic of an system entity
SystemEntity A named entity that is either a part of a system, a whole system, population ...
SystemOperation A group that is composed of a chain of instructions and is produced by transl...
SystemOperationDomain The domain the system operation belongs to
SystemTaxon A classification of a set of systems
SystemTaxonToEntityAssociation An association between an system taxon and another entity
TangibleEssence Semantic mixin concept
TangibleEssenceOrOccurrent Either a physical or processual entity
TaxonomicRank A descriptor for the rank within a taxonomic classification
TerminationOutcome An outcome of termination from resulting from an exposure event
TextMiningResult A result of text mining
ThingWithTaxon A mixin that can be used on any entity that can be taxonomically classified
Workload A workload is the sum of acquired material within a named thing
WorkloadBackgroundExposure A workload background exposure is where an individual's specific workload bac...


Slot Description
actively_involved_in holds between a continuant and a process or function, where the continuant ac...
address the particulars of the place where someone or an organization is situated
adjusted_p_value The adjusted p-value is the probability of obtaining test results at least as...
administrative_operation_regulatory_status_world_wide An agglomeration of administrative operation regulatory status worldwide
affected_by describes an entity of which the state or quality is affected by another exis...
affects describes an entity that has a direct affect on the state or quality of anoth...
affects_risk_for holds between two entities where exposure to one entity alters the chance of ...
affiliation a professional relationship between one provider (x) within another provider ...
age_in_years Number of years since birth
aggregator_knowledge_source An intermediate aggregator resource from which knowledge expressed in an Asso...
ameliorates A relationship between an entity (e
aspect_qualifier Composes with the core concept to describe new concepts of a different ontolo...
assesses The effect of a thing on a target was interrogated in some assay
associated_environmental_context An attribute that can be applied to an association where the association hold...
associated_with Expresses a relationship between two named things where the relationship is t...
associated_with_decreased_likelihood_of Expresses a relationship between two named things where the relationship is t...
associated_with_increased_likelihood_of Expresses a relationship between two named things where the relationship is t...
associated_with_likelihood_of A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for w...
associated_with_resistance_to A relation that holds between a named thing and a control that specifies that...
associated_with_sensitivity_to A relation that holds between a named thing and a control that specifies that...
association_slot any slot that relates an association to another entity
author an instance of one (co-)creator primarily responsible for a written work
authors connects an publication to the list of authors who contributed to the publica...
base_coordinate A position in the base coordinate system
binds A causal mechanism mediated by the direct contact between effector and target...
birth_date Date on which a person is born
bonferonni_adjusted_p_value The Bonferroni correction is an adjustment made to P values when several depe...
broad_match a list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a bro...
broad_matches A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a bro...
capable_of holds between an entity and process or function, where the continuant alone h...
catalyst_qualifier a qualifier that connects an association between two causally connected entit...
category Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized
causal_mechanism_qualifier A statement qualifier representing a type of operational control mechanism th...
caused_by holds between two entities where the occurrence, existence, or activity of on...
causes holds between two entities where the occurrence, existence, or activity of on...
chapter chapter of a book
chi_squared_statistic represents the chi-squared statistic computed from observations
class_associated_with_condition holds between a class and a fault or observable feature that the class or its...
close_match a list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a sem...
coexists_with holds between two entities that are co-located in the same aggregate object, ...
coexpressed_with holds between any two classes or subclasses, in which both are generally expr...
colocalizes_with holds between two entities that are observed to be located in the same place
composed_primarily_of x composed_primarily_of_y if:more than half of the mass of x is made from par...
computational_role_mixin A role played by the control entity or part thereof within a computational co...
concept_count_object The number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain the concept...
concept_count_subject The number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain the concept...
concept_pair_count The number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose records contain both the su...
condition_associated_with_class holds between a class and a fault or observable feature that the class or its...
context_qualifier Restricts the setting/context/location where the core concept (or qualified c...
contributes_to holds between two entities where the occurrence, existence, or activity of on...
control_role_mixin A role played by the control entity or part thereof within a control context
correlated_with A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for w...
creation_date date on which an entity was created
decreases_amount_or_activity_of A grouping mixin to help with searching for all the predicates that decrease ...
decreases_response_to holds between two control entities where the action or effect of one decrease...
derivative_qualifier A qualifier that composes with a core subject/object concept to describe som...
derives_from holds between two distinct material entities, the new entity and the old enti...
derives_into holds between two distinct entities, the old entity and the new entity, in wh...
description a human-readable description of an entity
diagnoses a relationship that identifies the nature of (an illness or other problem) by...
direction_qualifier Composes with the core concept (+ aspect if provided) to describe a change in...
directly_interacts_with A causal mechanism mediated by a direct contact between the effector and targ...
disrupted_by describes a relationship where the structure, function, or occurrence of one ...
disrupts describes a relationship where one entity degrades or interferes with the str...
editor editor of a compiled work such as a book or a periodical (newspaper or an aca...
empirical_modifier_qualifier the method or process of administering a something to achieve an effect in a ...
enabled_by holds between a process and an entity, where the entity executes the process
enables holds between an entity and a process, where the entity executes the process
end_coordinate The position at which the subject workload entity ends on the entity to which...
evidence_count The number of evidence instances that are connected to an association
exacerbates A relationship between an entity (e
exact_match holds between two entities that have strictly equivalent meanings, with a hig...
exact_matches A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have an id...
expected_count The expected (calculated) number of instances in a dataset/cohort whose recor...
expressed_in holds between a class or subclasses and a deployment entity in which it is ex...
expresses holds between an deployment entity and class or subclasses that is expressed ...
expression_site location in which named thing expression takes place
extraction_confidence_score A quantitative confidence value that represents the probability of obtaining ...
fault_has_basis_in A relation that holds between a fault and an entity where the state of the en...
fault_has_location A relationship between a fault and a deployment entity where the fault has on...
frequency_qualifier a qualifier used in a observabile association to state how frequent the obser...
full_name a long-form human readable name for a thing
has_active_ingredient holds between a administrative operation and a named thing in which the latte...
has_administrative_operation connects an entity to one or more administrative operations
has_adverse_event An untoward occurrence in an entity or empirical investigation subject that h...
has_attribute connects any entity to an attribute
has_attribute_type connects an attribute to a class that describes it
has_class connects an entity associated with one or more classes
has_class_or_subclasses connects an entity with one or more classes or subclasses
has_completed holds between an entity and a process that the entity is capable of and has c...
has_computational_sequence connects a workload feature to its sequence
has_confidence_level connects an association to a qualitative term denoting the level of confidenc...
has_constituent has smaller, self-contained part of technical entity consisting of components...
has_control_role A role is particular behaviour which a control entity may exhibit
has_controller holds between two named things in which the second one is derived from the fi...
has_count number of things with a particular property
has_device connects an entity to one or more devices
has_evidence connects an association to an instance of supporting evidence
has_excipient holds between a administrative operation and a named things in which the latt...
has_formula has equation using mathematical or scientific notation
has_homogeneity is effectively homogenous
has_input holds between a process and a continuant, where the continuant is an input in...
has_marker holds between a fault or observable feature and a measurable operational enti...
has_member Defines a mereological relation between a collection and an item
has_mode_of_inheritance Relates a fault or observable feature to its observed inheritance classes
has_not_completed holds between an entity and a process that the entity is capable of, but has ...
has_numeric_value connects a quantity value to a number
has_observation holds between a computational entity and a observable feature, where a observ...
has_operational_consequence connects an entity to a class describing the operational consequence
has_output holds between a process and a continuant, where the continuant is an output o...
has_part holds between wholes and their parts (entities or processes)
has_participant holds between a process and a continuant, where the continuant is somehow inv...
has_percentage equivalent to has quotient multiplied by 100
has_procedure connects an entity to one or more procedures
has_qualitative_value connects an attribute to a value
has_quantitative_value connects an attribute to a value
has_receiver the system or subsystem being exposed
has_route the process that results in the stressor coming into direct contact with the ...
has_sequence_location holds between two workload entities when the subject can be localized in sequ...
has_side_effect An unintended, but predictable, secondary effect shown to be correlated with ...
has_stressor the process or entity that the receiver/receptor is being exposed to
has_subclasses holds between a class and a transcribed and/or translated child generated fro...
has_supporting_study_result connects an association to an instance of supporting study result
has_topic Connects a node to a vocabulary term or ontology class that describes some as...
has_total total number of things in a particular reference set
has_unit connects a quantity value to a unit
has_variant_part holds between a entity and a entity that is a subset of it
highest_regulator_approval_status Should be the highest level of regulatory approval this control entity or dev...
homologous_to holds between two named things with same relation, relative position, or stru...
id A unique identifier for an entity
in_component_population_with holds between two classes or subclasses that are expressed in the same compon...
in_pathway_with holds between two named things that are part of in the same pathway
in_taxon connects an entity to its taxonomic classification
increases_amount_or_activity_of A grouping mixin to help with searching for all the predicates that increase ...
increases_response_to holds between two control entities where the action or effect of one increase...
inheritance_association Co-occurrence of a certain allele of a genetic marker and the phenotype of in...
interacts_with holds between any two entities that directly or indirectly interact with each...
iri An IRI for an entity
is_active_ingredient_of holds between a named thing and a administrative operation, in which the form...
is_controller indicates whether operational entity is a controller
is_controller_of holds between two operational entities in which the first one is derived from...
is_excipient_of holds between a named thing and a administrative operation in which the forme...
is_supplement added to something else in order to complete or enhance it
iso_abbreviation Standard abbreviation for periodicals in the International Organization for S...
issue issue of a newspaper, a scientific journal or magazine for reference purpose
keywords keywords tagging a publication
knowledge_source An Information Resource from which the knowledge expressed in an Association ...
latitude latitude
lcsh_terms Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) terms tagging a publication
ln_ratio the natural log of the ratio of co-occurrence to expected
ln_ratio_confidence_interval The 99% confidence interval for the ln_ratio calculation (i
located_in holds between a material entity and a material entity or site within which it...
location_of holds between material entity or site and a material entity that is located w...
longitude longitude
manifestation_of that part of a phenomenon which is directly observable or visibly expressed, ...
marker_for holds between a measurable operational entity and a fault or observable featu...
mechanism_of_action a boolean flag to indicate if the edge is part of a path or subgraph of a kno...
member_of Defines a mereological relation between a item and a collection
mentioned_by refers to is a relation between one named thing and the information content e...
mentions refers to is a relation between one information content entity and the named ...
model_of holds between a thing and some other thing it approximates for purposes of sc...
name A human-readable name for an attribute or entity
narrow_match a list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a nar...
narrow_matches A list of terms from different schemas or terminology systems that have a nar...
negated if set to true, then the association is negated i
negatively_correlated_with A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for w...
node_property A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value
object connects an association to the object of the association
object_location_in_text Character offsets for the text span(s) in the supporting text corresponding t...
observable_state in experiments (e
occurs_in holds between a process and an material entity or site within which the proce...
occurs_together_in_literature_with holds between two entities where their co-occurrence is correlated by counts ...
onset_qualifier a qualifier used in a observable association to state when the observable fea...
opposite_of An opposite can be the other side of, reverse of, or something contrary to an...
original_object used to hold the original object of a relation (or predicate) that an externa...
original_predicate used to hold the original relation/predicate that an external knowledge sourc...
original_subject used to hold the original subject of a relation (or predicate) that an extern...
overlaps holds between entities that overlap in their extents (entities or processes)
p_value A quantitative confidence value that represents the probability of obtaining ...
pages page number of source referenced for statement or publication
paralogous_to a homology relationship that holds between entities that diverged from a comm...
part_of holds between parts and wholes (material entities or processes)
part_qualifier defines a specific part/component of the core concept (used in cases there th...
participates_in holds between a continuant and a process, where the continuant is somehow inv...
phase The phase for a named sequence entity
physically_interacts_with holds between two entities that make physical contact as part of some interac...
population_context_qualifier a population (general, study, cohort, etc
positively_correlated_with A relationship that holds between two concepts represented by variables for w...
preceded_by holds between two processes, where the other is completed before the one begi...
precedes holds between two processes, where one completes before the other begins
predicate A high-level grouping for the relationship type
predisposes holds between two entities where exposure to one entity increases the chance ...
prevented_by holds between a potential outcome of which the likelihood was reduced by the ...
prevents holds between an entity whose application or use reduces the likelihood of a ...
primary_knowledge_source The most upstream source of the knowledge expressed in an Association that an...
primary_email The main email address of a person
produces holds between a material entity and a product that is generated through the i...
provided_by The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that create...
provider service, person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of info...
publications One or more publications that report the statement expressed in an Associatio...
published_in CURIE identifier of a broader publication context within which the publicatio...
publisher organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, compone...
qualified_predicate Predicate to be used in an association when subject and object qualifiers are...
qualifiers connects an association to qualifiers that modify or qualify the meaning of t...
quantifier_qualifier A measurable quantity for the object of the association
ratios the relationship between relative quantities of substances, typically a ratio...
reaction_direction the direction of a reaction as constrained by the direction enum (ie: left_to...
reaction_side the side of a reaction being modeled (ie: left or right)
regulates A more specific form of affects, that implies the effect results from a compu...
related_to A relationship that is asserted between two named things
related_to_at_concept_level Represents a relationship held between terminology components that describe t...
related_to_at_instance_level Represents a relationship held between two instances of a data classes
relative_frequency_object The frequency at which subject and object concepts co-occur in records within...
relative_frequency_object_confidence_interval The 99% confidence interval for the relative_frequency_object calculation (i
relative_frequency_subject The frequency at which subject and object concepts co-occur in records within...
relative_frequency_subject_confidence_interval The 99% confidence interval for the relative_frequency_subject calculation (i
replicated_from x is replicated from y if and only if x is synthesized from template y
replicated_to inverse of replicated from
response_affected_by holds between two control entities where the susceptibility of a computationa...
routes_of_delivery the method or process of administering a control mixture to have effect in a ...
same_as holds between two entities that are considered equivalent to each other
sequence_localization_attribute An attribute that can be applied to a workload sequence localization edge
severity_qualifier a qualifier used in a observable association to state how severe the observab...
sex_qualifier a qualifier used in a entity association to state whether the association is ...
similar_to holds between an entity and some other entity with similar features
stage_qualifier stage during which the class or entity expression of takes place
start_coordinate The position at which the subject workload entity starts on the entity to whi...
subclass_of holds between two classes where the domain class is a specialization of the r...
subclasses_of definition x has subclasses of y if and only if y is a class (NCIT:C25346) th...
subject connects an association to the subject of the association
subject_location_in_text Character offsets for the text span(s) in the supporting text corresponding t...
summary executive summary of a publication
superclass_of holds between two classes where the domain class is a super class of the rang...
supporting_data_set A set of data used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in an Asso...
supporting_data_source An Information Resource from which data was retrieved and subsequently used a...
supporting_document_type The document type (e
supporting_document_year The document year (typically the publication year) for the supporting documen...
supporting_documents One or more referencable documents that report the statement expressed in an ...
supporting_study_cohort A description of a study population/cohort that was interrogated to provide e...
supporting_study_context A term or terms describing the experimental setting/context in which evidence...
supporting_study_date_range The date range over which data was collected in a study that provided evidenc...
supporting_study_metadata Information about a study used to generate information used as evidence to su...
supporting_study_method_description A uri or curie pointing to information about the methodology used to generate...
supporting_study_method_type A type of method that was applied in a study used to generate the information...
supporting_study_size The sample size used in a study that provided evidence for the association (e
supporting_text The segment of text from a document that supports the mined assertion
supporting_text_section_type The section of the supporting text of a Text Mining Result within the support...
symbol Symbol for a particular thing
synonym Alternate human-readable names for a thing
systematic_synonym most commonly used for classes
target_for something or someone to be affected by an action or development
temporal_context_qualifier a constraint of time placed upon the truth value of an association
temporal_interval_qualifier a constraint of a time interval placed upon the truth value of an association
temporally_related_to holds between two entities with a temporal relationship
timepoint a point in time
translates_to x is the instantiatal translation of y (replica) if and only if a instantiato...
translation_of inverse of translates to
treated_by holds between a fault or observable feature and a therapeutic process or cont...
treats holds between a therapeutic procedure or control entity whose use increases t...
update_date date on which an entity was updated
vital_status living or dead status
volume volume of a book or music release in a collection/series or a published colle...
xref Alternate CURIEs for a thing


Enumeration Description
ControllableClassCategoryEnum Controllable classes
DeliveryEnum Delivery type
PhaseEnum Phase type
RegulatorAdverseEventEnum please consult with the Regulator guidelines
RegulatorApprovalStatusEnum Regulator appoval status types
RegulatorGuidelineEventEnum "please consult with the Regulator guidelines as proposed in this document, h...
SequenceEnum Sequence type


Type Description
xsd:boolean A binary (true or false) value
CategoryType A primitive type in which the value denotes a class within the base model
xsd:date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
linkml:DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
xsd:dateTime The combination of a date and time
xsd:decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
xsd:double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
xsd:float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
FormulaValue A formula
xsd:integer An integer
IriType An IRI
LabelType A string that provides a human-readable name for an entity
NarrativeText A string that provides a human-readable description of something
xsd:string Prefix part of CURIE
shex:nonLiteral A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
shex:iri A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
PredicateType A CURIE from the base related_to hierarchy
xsd:string A character string
xsd:dateTime A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
xsd:anyURI a complete URI
xsd:anyURI a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description
ModelSystemDatabase Subset that is relevant for a typical System Model Database
Samples Sample datamodel
TranslatorMinimal Minimum subset of translator work